Cameroon school conducts mission work in Kotto

The Lord is good all the time. 

Evangelism is our mission and our mission is evangelism.

This is a report from the mission work in Kotto Mission. We are speaking of our mission of planting new congregations in French Cameroon.

It was on the 28th of December that we carried our luggage to Kotto Mission, a village located in the outskirts of Kombe, along the road leading to the Muyuka community in the southwest, English-speaking region of Cameroon.

We arrived in Kotto Mission with a 15-man delegation made up of some graduates from the Bear Valley schools in Mbanga and Wotutu. These were some students from both schools who were already on personal holiday after their fieldwork along with some sisters from the Mbanga and Kombe congregations. It was 12:30 PM when we got to the village and at 3:00 PM we went for our first outing as we had met with the chief of the village earlier in the day. He had given us a green light for the mission work and to preach in his community. The work was carried out for 3 days of serious door-to-door evangelism.

Come let us reason together! Tracts were distributed both in English and in French and almost 700 hundred tracts of various titles were handed out and about 200 people gave us a few minutes of their time for us to share the word with them. The community enjoyed our stay, and the military officers who were on duty also appreciated the way we were doing the work. 2 souls were added to the church, and 2 internally displaced Christians were discovered during our stay in Kotto and have been restored during the first Sunday of worship.

This young church needs our full-time support until we can get a graduate there in April of next year.

A nice number of people attended a meeting that was held in which we made arrangements to worship in Mami Mary’s residence, and how we shall be sending graduates, tenured preachers, and our student preachers on weekly basis. It was quite unfortunate that our school in Mbanga doesn’t have a bilingual French-English speaking student in this batch. Because of this fact, four different preachers were programmed to be rotating every week. The last one will be there next week. 

Future plan of the congregation: 

It is quite clear that the pillar of that church is our sister Patient, the wife of Asikpo Denis, who is a student preacher in Wotutu, whose daughter has been living in my home for the past few years so that she can go to school in the French zone. They ran away from the crisis but they are sure that by the end of this year, this brother shall carry his wife to the new place where he will decide to work. 

Things will be a bit difficult as all those in the church are still babes in Christ. The mother, in whose parlor we are worshiping, is the landlady to this sister. The opportunity to worship there is only due to the good relationship that they maintain. We must be thinking of what will become of the worship place when this sister will leave by December. We must be thinking about another place of worship. 

We will need to be sending men there to preach for a while. We need a long-term support commitment to be able to correctly nurture these young congregations. Benches, a table, and other items to create a worship area are also needed in this new assembly. 

Evangelism is our mission and our mission is Evangelism. We want to thank the support team for the great mission they are doing. God bless this dream.

There is also a Macedonian cry coming from Tobouro, a border town between Cameroon and Chad. It will cost us a lot, but it is expedient for us to listen. Another call is coming from Nvog. There are many calls and many dreams that need our attention and your support. May we continue to plant and water together as God gives the increase to His glory. 

 From your humble servant,

Ititi Benedict. 

Posted on February 10, 2022 .