Graduates return for a Bible Seminar

Reporting Letter for the month of January-2022

Respected International Director Mr.Keith Kasarjian,  the coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners of BVBI Extension Centre at Tirupati-India, we greet you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter finds you in good health. We thank you so much for your continued prayers and encouragement for the smooth function of BVBI at Tirupati.

BVBI-Tirupati:- By the grace of God we have completed three semesters, thankful to our teachers and non-teaching staff for their hard work, and we appreciate all the students for their dedication to study well and follow the curriculum of BVBI. The students take good notes, they write daily examinations, they do memory work, and they write weekly examinations. After completing three semesters without any break we have given them a break and sent all the students for the practical work(Filed work) for the month of February. 

Our Coordinator Visit:-  We are thankful to our Coordinator for traveling to India and visiting our BVBI-extension center. He was with us from  January 9 to 13 (Saturday to Thursday). He taught prison epistles in our Bible school. All the students, teachers and guest students, and local preachers were able to attend the classes. We appreciate his wonderful teaching and encouragement. 

Benevolence:- In the month of January we have raised some funds and were able to distribute new clothes to widows and poor people in India. 

Bible Seminar:- In the month of January we conducted a Bible Seminar on January 7th and 8th. We studied the book of Acts, we invited 10 speakers to present 10 topics from the book of Acts. We are happy to report to you that our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds was able to present two lessons in our Christian Growth Bible Seminar.

Old batch students:- We invited all the first batch students for the Bible seminar to attend and enjoy the seminar lessons and had wonderful fellowship with one another. I invited one of the former students, Mr. Gopal Krishna to present one lecture in our Bible Seminar. He did an outstanding job.

Joint Service:-   The gospel has reached from our local church to different villages and local churches were planted. Every year in the month of January we conduct a joint service. By the grace of God, this year in the month of January 9th we conducted the joint service by inviting neighboring local churches. We are happy to share with you that Mr. Mark Reynolds was able to preach for this special service.

Home Bible studies:- We have started Home Bible studies in different families. We hope that shortly some people will be added to the body of Christ. Last Sunday 3 souls were baptized by our students , we request your prayers for their spiritual growth.

Thanking you.

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

Vijay&Swarupa, from BVBI-extension Centre-India.

Posted on February 4, 2022 .