Much progress in Zimbabwe



We always give glory and honour to God who gives us the ability and zeal to advance the cause of His kingdom. With restrictions due Covid pandemic having been eased, there is greater hope that 2022 will be a great year at BVBIZ. Furthermore,  we are always grateful when we look back in the month and see the hand of God in a number of areas. To Him, we remain grateful. This report gives a glimpse to some of the issues that transpired in the month.


A new term began on the 10th of January 2022. All students on the full time program returned to school. This class in now in its last year of study. Students had a well-deserved rest which they did not get since they commenced their studies.


The following subjects are being done this term; African Traditional Religion, Romans, Church Growth, Advanced Hermeneutics, Major Prophets, Hebrews, Biblical Counseling (including HIV & Covid Care & Counseling), Sign Language, Pastoral Epistles and James. Apart from these main subjects, horticulture and Strategic Management for Churches shall be taught as subjects.  Three subjects namely Advanced hermeneutics, Major Prophets and Sign Language dominated the month of January.


It is BVBIZ’s aim to communicate  God’s message to each individual in society. Sign language has been a key component in the school’s curriculum for a few years now. This year, our first session was done from the 24th-28th of January. After this session, BVBIZ products will be able to communicate to anyone. Great appreciation to Rutendo Foundation which has been a strategic partner in this endeavor and has taken one of our former graduates, Charles Muzambi,  to  further  his studies in Sign language and Interpretation. BVBIZ and ultimately the church will emerge stronger through this process.


One of the school’s strategic objective is to have a well-structured resource base. Viable projects being part of the mix.  In a small way, broilers have already made a contribution to this drive.  Besides the broilers, almost 2 hectares has been put under maize and the crop is doing well. In the first week of February, the school  shall be planting beans. About 2 acres are ready for this. These projects have provided students with skills that are necessary for their survival. In terms of broilers, students have been taking care of them on a rotational basis. We currently have two batches, one with 225 broilers and another with 120.


The teacher’s house whose progress was at a standstill since May 2021 received a boost during the final days of December through a donation of ZWL$36000 from Sister Nyahada of Marondera towards the purchase of a 3m hinged door. Around the same time, Woodland Oaks donated towards the structure. Most of the materials including roofing tiles, window frames, river sand, pit sand and outstanding timber were bought in January but their movement to the site got delayed because of a saturated road due to incessant rains. When rains subsided,  work then started during the last week of January with carpenters working on the roof. This has since been completed. The next stage shall be plastering of the inside wall and putting of a rough floor. By the end of February, we are hoping that plastering, flooring, electrical wiring, fixing of window frames and plumping work would have been completed.


Keith Kasarjian, the BVBII director of international schools, arrived in the country on the 29th and left on the 30th of January. His mission was to explore the possibility of having another BVBIZ extension in Bulawayo. He had an opportunity of preaching at the Bulawayo Central congregation where he also explained the vision to the congregation. He also brought study Bibles for students in Gweru. Great appreciation to this visit and the gifts.


The school received over 200 boxes of books and tracts from Mission Printing. Great appreciation to Donnie Estep for sourcing the consignment and to Sakubva Relief Organization for receiving and sorting the boxes on our behalf.  Some of the boxes are for the schools in Zambia and Malawi.  The boxes were relocated to a different place in Mutare awaiting their movement to Gweru . These will need a 2-3 tonne truck to move them to Gweru.


Students are now ready for full scale evangelism. Though evangelism was being done in a small way, beginning in February, Saturdays and Sundays shall be days for evangelism till the class graduates. Congregations that may need this partnership are encouraged to contact the school.


We thank God for what he has been able to do through BVBIZ in January. Our appreciation continues to go to our sponsors for their unwavering support and to many others for their moral and spiritual support. May God continue to bless every one of you. To God be the glory!

Posted on February 14, 2022 .