A new school doing well

Report of Bear Valley Bible Weekend School, Ondo State Between November 2021 - January 2022.

Glory be to God in the Highest for His blessings, protection, and divine provision we all received from the Lord's presence, we blessed the name of the Lord Jesus, the Christ, Amen. We thank God for another quarter in the life of the Bear Valley Bible weekend School in Ondo state. We have successfully concluded the first semester.

I want to especially thank our international director of Bear Valley Schools, Brother Keith Kasarjian for his wonderful visit to the School in Ondo State on the 4th of December, 2021. His visit has boosted our morale for competitiveness in promoting sound and Biblical education among the students and all the brethren in our state, Ondo State. We all in the School appreciate his visit. God bless you, Sir. He also provided the sum of $700 for the need of the School including naira cash of #14,000 only, for the purchase of a Computer Laptop, three in one scanner photocopier, a printer, and tables for the use of learning for the students. I have bought all the items for the good use of the school.

Evangelism: in pursuant of the goal of Bear Valley Schools, the school in Ondo State went out to propagate the gospel in our respective areas (Ondo City & Akure City). We were out preaching the gospel of Christ on the 29th of January, 2022. In Ondo City, we were 13 in number that went out preaching the gospel including 3 instructors in the Odosida area of Ondo City. We had more than 10 prospects that we will work on and gladly directed them to a nearly Church of Christ for further Biblical discussion. We are praying for a fruitful preaching exercise.

Also, Akure Study Center is not left out of the work of preaching the gospel. 11 students went out to preach the gospel including 3 of our instructors who worked with them in the field. Their prospects show a willing heart for more study of the word. We pray that our God works through their hearts in believing the gospel.

Classroom activities: we blessed God for the successful completion of the First semester in the history of the School in Ondo State. So far, we have had 6 courses. From November to January 2022. We have had 3 courses completed both in the two study centers ( Ondo City & Akure City) the courses are, (1) Life of Christ - 2 (Mark). (2). Life of Christ -1 ( Matthew). (3). Life of Christ - 4 (John).

In Ondo Study center, in November 2021, we had Life of Christ - 2 (Mark) by brother Philemon Ohaebuka as the instructor, while in the Akure study center in the same month of November 2021, brother Rowland Matthew taught Life of Christ -1 (Matthew). In December 2021, the Ondo study center had Life of Christ- 3 (Luke) by brother Timileyin Akilapa, while in the Akure study center, we had Life of Christ -4 (John) by brother Damilola Oke as the instructor. In January 2022, in the Ondo City study center, we had Life of Christ - 4 (John) by brother Damilola Oke, while in the Akure study center, we had Life of Christ - 3 (Luke) by brother Timileyin Akilapa.

Honestly, Bear Valley Bible weekend schools in Ondo State are blessed with serious and active students, one of such students is brother David Eniafe. David Knife is one of the students at the Akure study center. David Eniafe is a Ph.D. student at the Federal University of Technology, Akure. Brother David Eniafe said that the MLA style of writing research has opened his eyes to the high standard of the School. He is very humble and willing to learn the Bible in Class. He is a blessing to the school, my loving brethren. He is one of the active members of the Church of Christ, 13, Leo Street.

Miscellaneous: we have received support for the things we need as a school, when brother Keith visited us at the School on the 4th of December 2021. We are grateful for the support. God bless the Bear Valley School and the supporter of this noble work of training men for the service of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ.

We are indeed grateful for the privileges given to Ondo State to be part of history with Bear Valley Bible weekend Schools. On behalf Of our instructors and students here in Ondo state. We wish to reiterate our commitment to actively do our best in promoting the frontier of the School to a greater height in our dear state.


Fasonu Victor

Posted on February 14, 2022 .