Reporting letter for the month of April-2021
Our warmest greetings to you in the matchless name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. We Pray that this mail finds you good health. If you permit we would like to send you brief report concerning our BVBI. I humbly request your pardon for the delay of reporting for the month of April-2021.
The success of two years preachers training Program: - We congratulate all our teaching staff, non-teaching staff and students of first batch for their great dedication to complete the first batch successfully. We appreciate the teachers for their hard work to complete the syllabus prescribed by BVBI. There were few classes that were suspended in 2020 due to Covid-19 but in order to cover up those classes we had continual classes from September 2020 to April 2021, even we did not have the break . We continually had classes, all the students were able to cooperate to attend for the daily classes, writing their note books, completing their home work, memory work and weekly examinations. We don’t find words to appreciate the guest brothers from out side who could able to teach few courses . We are grateful to our International director for visiting us and encouraging the students and teachers. We are thankful to our Coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds and Mr.Damon Vincent for their dedication to teach few courses. We appreciate Mr.John R.Vaughan , Mr.Jonathan Winchester , Mr.Mathew Bowling who were able to visit from Graymere church and encourage us. We are thankful to Mr.Larry Nokes and Mr.Dennis Widner who visited us from Foothills church of Christ and encouraged us. We are thankful to sister.Linda smith (from Woodson chapel church of Christ )and sister Jackie Hill who were able to visit us from Berry’s chapel church of Christ. We are thankful to Mr.RayHart for visiting and teaching . It was sad to miss Mr.Jerry Bates ,lord willing he may visit in the future.
We are grateful to guest teachers Mr.G.Prabhudass, Mr.G.David who came from Chennai and taught few courses. We are thankful to Mr.Vijay Kiran and local police officer for teaching basic legal principles.
The Graduation Ceremony:- God has blessed our graduation ceremony which was held on April 30th, 2021. We feel sorry to miss the presence of our International director and our coordinator , but we are grateful to them for allowing us to go ahead and organize the event . We are happy to share with you that all the students, their parents , teachers, some of the church members and friends were able to participate to witness the program. We did our level best to reduce the number of attendance due to covid-19 threat.
All the students have gracefully received the beautiful Certificates of Diploma of Biblical studies . We request you to pray for the 21 students who were graduated.
Building Owners: - We have taken one building ground floor for the college and opposite another building for the hostel. The college building owner had a proposal to sell the building but now he changed his mind and willing to cooperate with us to continue the program . We thank God for this provision. The college building owner’s family was staying in the upstairs but now they have vacated and moved to the main city area, it is our ambition to occupy the upstairs building and develop the library.
Agricultural Garden:- By the support of Healing Hands International we could able to establish the A.G. Garden , it is growing and growing. We have established two other sustainable Agricultural Gardens at KGBV-School in Chittoor-Dt and another one at Poolathota-village.
Covid-19 second Wave threat:- It is terrible and heart breaking situation in India, the second wave of Covid -19 is spreading so rapidly , so many people are infected and several people are dying , hope that you are aware of the situation by watching the international news . Our local church members were badly infected, unfortunately my sister-in-law was died last week on Friday with covid-19, I am proud to mention that she was the one who sent first admission to BVBI-Tirupti. Please pray for my brother Ezra who has been under treatment. In fact I was infected by the virus , last 20 days I have been in house isolation with good treatment , God has blessed the treatment and heard the prayers of saints which helped me to restore my health condition. My words fail to share with you about the great service that my wife and children invested for my survival, kindly pray for them and their health. God has put the boundaries around my family members from the infection though I was living in the same house. We Praise God for His great protection, yesterday I have consulted Pulmonologist for the check up, the oximeter tells that there is 97/ oxygen level in my body. We request you to continue to pray for my health.
Healing Hands International’s Relief Fund:- We are happy to report you that HHI has immediately responded and released relief support for this emergency crisis created by the second wave covid-19. There is partial local lock down has been announced in our place, this causes poor people to suffer without proper food and medical help. It is our plan to support about 121 families by using HHI support, we would like to send you report soon we complete this project.
BVBI-Tirupati ‘s Second Batch :- In our country the month of May is too hot and all the schools and colleges usually closed for summer holidays , we have announced summer vacation . it is our plan to reopen the BVBI in the first week of June-2021. We request you to pray for second batch preachers training program.
Thanking you.
Yours brother and sister in Christ.
Vijay&Swarupa, behalf of BVBI-Tirupati-India