Bear Valley Bible Institute
Ekwendeni – Malawi
April, 2021 – Report
Hello everyone!
When we read in the Pastoral Epistles, we are encouraged by the charges of Paul to the young preachers Timothy. As Timothy was at the church at Ephesus he encountered the false teachers and many problems which started to discourage his faith in Christ. This is why we see Paul’s charge to Timothy in his second epistle chapter 4:2 – “Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of season”. This means Timothy was encouraged to preach the gospel when people are ready to hear it or not.
We are also in the challenging time where our faith is tested, but the apostolic command of Paul still speaks to us – “Preach the word!” when in covid-19 challenging time or not having covid-19 challenge, always Preach the word!. We are always ready to do this command. This month of April, we had Brother Keith who came to visit and see how the work here in Malawi is going on. We hope he had a successful trip and back home. It was good meeting him after 5 years missing. After Keith left, we had a preaching campaign at the end of April, we have helped 4 souls come to obey the gospel and be added into Christ. We always are thankful to our students for the great work they do both in class and out of class.
Preaching and Teaching
This Month of April we had some outreach and most importantly the campaign we had at the end of April which helped 4 souls saved. We are also happy that we have been of great help to the congregations around Ekwendeni, especially Chinungu congregation which uses the advantage of the school. The brethren at Chinungu are always ready to use the student in their pulpit and even their evangelistic work. Many souls around Ekwendeni have the opportunity of hearing the gospel because of the BV school. The teaching work is also progressing well that we have managed to cover lots of courses within a short period of time. We are having some campaigns to be accomplished before the end of June. Because of funds limitations, we may be doing campaigns in areas near the Ekwendeni area. One student who asked to be let go home for his family problems, has reported that he has helped a congregation be restored which stopped worshipping for a period of 5 years. About 31 souls have been restored to Christ. This is amazing!
Short course teacher
We are thankful to God for the brothers who come to help us manage to finish the course in time. Brother Blessings Nkhamanga and Brother Navie Theu are always ready to come to help us whenever we need them come teach a short course. We are hoping to have Navie back in May and also Brother Donnie who is also the coordinator for the school will be coming at the end of May along with some 2 brothers who want to see the school progress. They will stay with us up to the beginning of June. We pray that their coming will make the work easy for us as we will have a little rest.
We want to thank the Bear Valley Bible Institute International for committing funds to this course. Otherwise without your involvement financially all what we have achieved would not be there. We pray that God will always keep on blessing your families as there are still souls to be saved and be trained. Your support is still needed! Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!
Yours faithfully
Ephron and Clergynton