The training of preachers is a critical component in the growth of the church. A lot of diligence goes into it. Soldiers going into real combat are never trained in a day. Such is the case for a soldier of Christ. Ours is a spiritual battle. The task of winning souls to Christ is ever present in our minds. At BVBIZ, in April, we continued to put one block on top of another to achieve this. The teachers did their bit whilst the students did theirs as well. The view is to produce a well trained soldier for Christ through various activities. The following are some of the few things that we can report on.
A number of subjects have been done and completed. These include Hermeneutics, O. T History, Homiletics, Acts, Personal Work II, Life of Christ, Galatians, Godhead and 1 & 2 Thessalonians. The term will be ending on the 8th of May and another one start on the 10th of the same month. This class shall be having less of breaks this year so as to catch up on lost time.
BVBIZ was blessed on the 20th of April by the visit of Keith Kasarjian, BVBI International director. He took time to tour and access the school and also appraise himself of the progress made so far. He also had time to interact with students and give some words of encouragement. Much appreciation goes to him and his sacrifice to come and see the school.
3.1 Teachers House
Brickwork on the teacher’s house was completed in the month.
An outside sink for the students’ laundry was constructed and completed in the month. Only plumbing components needing about $80 are still to be bought and worked on.
Skirting was done and completed around the hostel. Falling rain had been affecting the good paint work that was done. Walls were becoming dirt due to water falling from the roof. The same shall be done for other buildings before the next rain season. Gutters will also be needed to complete the job.
The first ever fellowship was done on the 24th of April. The program was organised by the Plasworth congregation and held at the BVBIZ campus. 164 were in attendance and this went beyond the local congregation’s expectation.
BVBIZ always welcome donations in cash and in kind. These are critical in the running of the school. Moving to the present site was a step in the right direction but also caused a challenge in the schools evangelism efforts. Bicycles are now needed to solve the transport challenge. A call was made far and wide and two responses came. The first bicycle was donated by Zimbabwe Missions and another one was donated by Keith Kasarjian. Since students go in pairs, the congregation at Greenvale will be serviced. 10 more bicycles are still needed by the school. Bicycles are ranging from $100-$150 depending with type.
BVBIZ places strong emphasis on evangelism. Presently, a lot is being done to fine tune the students before they embark on full-fledged evangelism. Whilst it is not yet in full mode, students have been helping two congregations namely Greenvale and Plasworth. Two souls were baptized at Greenvale in the month. We glorify God for this addition.
Several activities took place as highlighted in the above report. We remain grateful to God for making this possible. To our various partners locally and abroad, may God continue to bless you abundantly. It is through your efforts and sacrifices that BVBIZ has gotten this far. To God be the glory!