Warm greetings to you all fellow laborers in the Lord's vineyard! We give honor and glory to God our heavenly Father who through His grace and the love fully expressed in Christ has granted us the rare opportunity to work in His service.
Before the end of our last quarter, we held our last faculty meeting which was very successful. This meeting brought together all of our staff members to discuss the future of the school and our then up coming graduation ceremony. In this meeting, all our staff members who are preachers were also encouraged to speak with their congregations to please help the school with whatever they can to encourage our American brethren who are supporting the school. We will need more or extra help for this batch because we are taking in 26 new students instead of 20 students. That is why we are asking congregations to support the school and individual brothers and sisters to help the school.
Our classroom activities ended with Brother Steven Ashcraft, who is the coordinator for Bear Valley West Africa extension Program teaching our last short course. Brother Steven spent over a week with us in Ganta, Liberia teaching Bible geography and had a wonderful time with the students. It was great having him around especially teaching a class and staying for the graduation.
After two and half years of intensive studies at the Bear Valley Bible Institute-Liberia and in the face of a very serious pandemic (COVID ) that affected the whole world , we finally graduated our second batch of students and welcome twenty six (26) new students from all over the country in to the program. Sixteen (16) students graduated and was awarded Diploma in Biblical Studies, Diploma General Agriculture and Diploma in Computer Studies or IT. Five other special awards was given to some hardworking students. We had awards given to the Dux ( Best Student Award in Bible, Second Best Student Award In Bible, Most Humble Student Award, Best Computer Student Award and Best Agriculture Student Award.
Our graduation ceremony was overwhelmingly attended by so many people including, Bear Valley directors from Guinea and Sierra Leone, the city government, parents and love ones of our students, Church members and preachers from across the country, foreign guest etc.
Many of our students have called back to appreciate the school for the lever of education they have been imparted with from the school. Many of their families, parents and preachers have also call back to say thank you. Some confessed that that the preachers from our school are doing very well and for that, the churches at their locations has a great future.
On behalf of BVBI- Liberia and the Churches of Christ in Liberia as a whole, we like to express our profound gratitude indeed to everyone who supports in any way the school here in the Republic of Liberia. May God richly bless all of you!
Robert P. Dahn, Jr.
Director- BVBI-L