Ending the year well in Accra



We are thankful to the Lord for another end of month December and thus the end of the year 2020. Much has been accomplished by the Lord for us. Praise be to Him in highest for such precious protection of our lives till this time. We are happy to have this love from God.


As reported in our November report, all the courses were completed and exams were conducted. All the students participated well except those who couldn’t report when school resumed. This month no course was left to be done except the evangelism campaign.


Campaign at Doryumu

This month, we had our evangelism campaign as scheduled on our time table. This time, we went to Doryumu to work for 7 days. During this programme we did house to house, open-air, and public preaching. We had two (2) baptisms recorded.

Campaign at Batanyaa

This campaign was organized by our immediate student Samuel Arhin with some of his colleagues who are under preparation to graduate on 30th January, 2021 and the new student (current admission). The house to house campaign was done in Batanyaa in the Central Region of Ghana. Greatly, Nine (9) baptisms were recorded to the glory of our Lord.

Campaign at Afiaman

Afiaman is a town in Accra. Our student, Solomon Tetteh (yet to be graduated) is an evangelist and also works with a brother by name, Karikari. The nature of their work is that they take care of old men and women by providing medical treatment and feeding in their various homes. Alongside this work, he evangelized them and had one got baptized.

Yellow Fever Vaccination Update

It was announced by the Ministry of Health (MOH) to have everyone vaccinated for the Yellow Fever Injection. The school arranged with the Notre Dame Clinic in Nsawam and they came into the school and all the students and some staff were vaccinated.

School Registration Update (Registrar General’s Department)

All documents necessary for the registration of Accra School have been acquired and under the process of completing them. Hopefully, by the end of January 2021 the registration will be over.

Lands Department Update

As I reported in the previous report on the general system update problem from the Lands Department, till now, they have not been able to resume work. However, we are still awaiting them.

Graduation Update

The necessary arrangements are ongoing and meetings are being held to pave way for success of the programme. On our programme outline, we had all staff taken part in the activities: the guest speaker is Seth Osae Larbi, Joseph Kofi Damptey as the invited guest, Kojo will be doing the matriculation, EO Larbi will be reading the Welcome Address, Steven Ashcraft will give charge to the graduands, and thereof hopefully, on 30th January, 2021 the graduation will surely come on if the Lord permits.

School Vacation and Resume dates

The school vacated on 20th December, 2020 right after the evangelism campaign had completed. All the students left for their various homes.

We shall resume from break on 10th January, 2021 respectively.

Donation from brother Karikari, Village of Hope and Other members

In our previous campaign Northern Ghana, we decided that the school will gather up some dresses to be donated to the newly established churches in the villages. We announced to some of the brethren and this brother, Karikari who works with the Village of Hope, gave some items to be given to the churches. Other brethren also have brought to the school plenty of dresses for the donation. We were very happy to have them. We hope these items will give them some relief.

In conclusion, this is how far the Lord has brought us throughout this month for the various activities and updates that we came by.

We say glory be to the Lord for the wonderful care and love He showed to us in the entire year. We are still praying that the beginning and the ending of next year 2021, will also be successful as we had it this year, 2020, COVID-19 free and no student or staff had the attack.

May His Name be glorified.

Posted on February 8, 2021 .