Another great year in Abuja!



The Bear Valley Bible Institute - Abuja (BVBI-A) began the second year activities with a Lectureship on 10th February 2020 at the Kado Center of the school. Other activities of the day included admission of new students and orientation. The COVID 19 pandemic didn't spare the school as the government lockdown and restrictions affected the school activities for two months (April-May), as well as major activities such as group evangelism etc of the school were altered.


A total of Nine (9) courses scheduled for year two were taken within the period under review, while three (3) courses (affected by covid-19 lockdown) are pending to be taken within the first quarter of 2021. The courses are as follows:

* Life of Christ II - February/March (Handled by Moses Obakemi )

* Old Testament II - February/March (Handled by  David Akpata) 

* Prison Epistles - June/July (Handled by Kennedy Abrotu)

* I & II Thessalonians - August/September (Handled by Dominic Dakup)

* The Study of Islam - June/July (Handled by Rupert Kukwa)

* Personal Evangelism II - August/September (Handled by  Imoh Enang Atakpa )

* The Galatians - October/November (Handled by  Abiodun Adegoroye )

* I & II Peter & Jude – December 2020/Januuary 2021 (being handled by Felix Ekpeyong)

* Christian Ethics – December2020/January 2021 (being handled by Dominic Dakup )

* New Testament Church (Worship) -  January 2021 (To be handled by  Felix Ekpeyong)

* I Corinthians - February/March 2021 (to be handled by Abiodun Adegoroye)

* Leadership in Local Church - February/March, 2021 (to be handled by Moses Obakemi)


We started the year with an average of 17 students in Nyanya center and 18 students in Kado center. While some students dropped along the way due to logistics, work, family and personal challenges, others are still struggling to meet up with class and course work.  Also, a total of Eight (8) Teachers/Instructors participated in the course work for the year.  The list of the newly admitted students include: 1. Ayegba Andrew; 2. Madalla Haruna Y.; 3. Milling Chukwumeze; 4. Gloria Etim; 5. Udo Aniefiok Linus.


As a result of the government restriction of movements and gatherings due to COVID 19 pandemic, the school general evangelism could not hold, but the Nyanya center students organized two open-air evangelism outreaches with the aim of strengthening two congregations, including newly established congregation within the school area. The two evangelisms held by the grace of God are: the one held at the premises of Church of Christ Jikwoyi  on the 27th September 2020 where the topic  “When and How can one be saved” was taught.  And the second one held at the premises of the newly established Church of Christ Zhewun, Masaka on the 20th December 2020 where the topic “Salvation in Christ Alone” was taught. We are glad to report that these campaigns were funded by the school management and huge successes were recorded in the whole exercise. In preparation for next year evangelism campaign, the school has arranged for the printing of 5,000 copies of tracts (3in1 coloured type) for the use of the students.


1. The Outbreak of Covid-19

This virus outbreak poised a great challenge to our studies and activities within the period under review. Due to the outbreak of Covid-19 on March 2020, the school couldn’t continue on her studies and for a period of three (3 ) good months, both students and lecturers were forced to stay indoors for safety first pending how the pandemic will be managed.  Of a truth, we were not happy but have no options. May God’s name be praised for His continued protection over us throughout the period.  Neither our students nor any lecturer contacted the virus not to think of death.  Nonetheless, this gab created a big setback on our studies having missed three (3) good courses that ordinarily should have been through with. This in turn will also affect our graduation period which ordinarily supposed to be by February since those courses are necessary and mandatory.

2. Difficulty in our research work.

As a matter of fact, effective studies that will make one an effective preacher will require a good library for research purposes. This is lacking in our campuses and it is grossly affecting the students, thereby making effective research work almost impossible. Having a well furnished Christian resource library in Abuja will help the school and the churches around in no small measure and it will engender growth and spiritual development. We pray God to bless you and open a way through which this project will come to fruition in Jesus mighty name. Amen!


We appreciate the partnership and support of the Bear Valley School in building capacities of preachers and members towards the growth and development of the church in Africa, especially Nigeria.

The teachers and students are very excited about this wonderful opportunity to study God’s word and be useful instruments in the vineyard of the Lord.  There is a prospect for growth and expansion of the work and we crave your indulgence not to waiver in your good work of partnership so that together we can build an excellent platform for learning of the scriptures and strengthening the churches. May God help us and see us through in Jesus mighty name. Amen!


Posted on January 12, 2021 .