Training preachers in an Islamic country

Gueckedou BVBI Activity Operations Report for October 2021

Once again we are writing to give you an update of events during the last month - October at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute. This will include 2 main items namely classroom and evangelism.

Classroom: Although there were some challenges regarding the absence of some of the students, all was put under control and all 14 students went through courses administered during the month. This include Hermeneutics 2, the book of Romans and Old Testament 4 – Isiah – Daniel.

Evangelism: One of our students, EloiTolno is to be commended for taking the lead thereby accessing a group of other evangelists to some 7 prospects in a nearby village. After discussing a series of Bible topics including the plan of salvation 4 of the prospects yielded to the gospel call and were therefore immersed for the remission of sins on the 4th of the month under review.

Then in the village of Dendesou where 3 of our students lead an assembly, 2 other conversions took place on the 24th of this month. Thus, for the month of October 2021 our evangelistic efforts resulted to 6 conversions! God is to be glorified!

Personal Profile – EloiTolno: Brother EloiTolno was born in 1977 in the village of Fassaba, Gueckedou, Guinea. He was yet in high school when he accepted the Protestant faith where he stayed till elevated to a leadership position. On July the 26thhowever, this brother, his wife and their first son obeyed the gospel. Our evangelical team had made several preaching visits to his village and Mr. Tolno had always welcomed and offered us gifts, but made no attempt to accept the gospel until 10 months later when he himself visited the school campus to declare his faith in Christ and desire to be trained. He was baptized the same day and started training the very next day with a high courage to catch up with courses offered before his arrival. This, brother Eloi has done and is now up to date with his course study.

It was only a month later after his conversion when Eloiwith the help of other brethren started a congregation with 3 baptisms in his village. Since then both old and young people in and around his village had been encouraged to accept the gospel. The number of converts so far registered for the Fassaba congregation is 21 with an average attendance of 35. The congregation meets in the house of brother Tolno, Eloi. What is impressive of this brotheris the fact that he is very evangelistic and a trainer. His first son, Emmanuel - age 19 is not only a great song leader, but one of the 3 able men who help to lead Sunday worship service.

This year 2021 with the encouragement of Eloi, the assembly embarked on a rice farming project as a means of securing some income for a propose future worship hall construction. Brother Elio will be graduating from the Bear Valley extension program in Gueckedou, Guinea in about 5 months. He is to be commended for his great determination for gospel service!

Thank you for your support and for your prayers


Posted on December 10, 2021 .