Evangelism in Zambia

November, 2021 Report


The month of November, 2021 continued to be very fruitful as far as evangelism is concerned. Preaching Christ to others has indeed made us realize that, to make something strong and durable requires going deeper. The following are vital statistics that were recorded during the month.

I. Major Activities

A. Evangelism

  1. We have intensified personal evangelism. We have targets of people to preach to during each day. With eleven students (11) we speak to a total of twenty-two (22) people in every two days of each week. And at the end of the month the students speak to a total of eighty-eight (88) people. From the people spoken to they (students) set up Bible studies as a way of follow-up.

  2. Bible Studies

As stated earlier the number of houses where they conduct the Bible studies has tremendously increased. Each team consisting of two students have Bible studies at least twice a week. We discover that we had two-hundred and fifteen contacts (215) and out of these eighty-eight (88) we had very serious studies with them and a good kingdom harvest.

B. Baptisms

What joy it was to see Mr and Mrs Kafuli, Ruth Mambwe, Richard Chikago, Dauphines Mwanza, Garry Kalebwe, Miriam Mwenya,Garry Siakwezya, Kays Siakwezya, Kelby Siakwezya, Catharine Chishimba, Delta Tembo, Rodia Rubinda, Lushomo Siamyenda, Nalumino Lubasi, Belinda Kanjolo, Billy Sindowe, Sharon Sibelele, Dean Namadwa, Violet Mando, Mitson Zyamba, Easter Nayame and Ruth Nayame submit to God in baptism. We wish them God’s guidance in their new life and we expect them to become good role models in their life. Please remember these souls in your prayers. We had twenty-two (22) souls saved in the month of November.

C. Restorations

Our alumni have continued to work very hard in the bringing people back to the Lord. We have recorded thirty restorations during the same period.

Students were invited by Austin Musonda who is working with Chibwe church of Christ and had invited student preachers to go and assist with evangelizing the area. We recorded twenty one (21) at Church of Christ in Chibwe and eight (8) in Ndola through Hornbye Mupengu and Stephen Ngosa

D. Short courses;

The school was privileged to have our Institute coordinator Donnie Estep come and teach a short course. He as usual ably taught the book of 2nd Corinthians. We continue to be grateful to Donnie for his willingness to come to Zambia and his competence to teach our students.

Shortly after the class with Donnie our students had a treat with Kennedy Mukuka as he taught them 1st Corinthians in another short course. We are truly thankful to God for these men.

II. Coordinating leadership seminar

We had a very successful leadership seminar on 13th November 2021; we had thirty two Leaders representing fourteen congregations on the Copperbelt. This seminar took us the whole day covering topics like who is a leader? Characteristics of a leader, church management and administration, principles of effective Church administration, management of Church finances and what should leaders do? Simply put, the leaders should be peace makers, prayer warriors, teachers, lead by examples and help in decision makings. The seminar ended on a good note with more desire to on regular basis such a meeting.

The following churches were well represented; Church of Christ Ndola central, four (4) Twapia Ndola (3), Chingola Central (2), Sakania Ndola (4), Lubuto Ndola (4) Kamuchanga Mufurila (3) Wusakile Kitwe (2), Kawama Kitwe (2) Luanshya central (2) Mikomfwa Luanshya (2) Roan Luanshya (2) Northrise Ndola (4) Dola Hill (2). We gathered thirty-six Leaders from fourteen congregations and the meeting went on well.

Statement on Covid-19 (new variant cases)

Our neighboring countries namely South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, mozambique. Malawi and Zimbabwe have been reported to have the new corona virus mutation called Omicron and it seems to be much more deleterious than the others and not responsive to the present vaccine. Though Zambia has not recorded any Case we are still not safe, but protective measures have been tightened. III. Goals for the upcoming month

The long vacation of the school started on the 25th November, 2021. Almost half of our students went back home immediately to do some cultivation. Reuben Museka, Winston Changala, Lackson Mwangala and Nicolas Mulubwa normally survive through farming. Hence, they had to rush back and prepare their fields.

The rest of the students have volunteered to remain at the campus and do personal evangelism for almost a month. They will be returning back to their respective homes in the second week of December, 2021. Those that have remained are Daniel Kapata, Matthews Mwale, Gershom Chansa, Jally Siawaza and Mike Kanyangala.

This is a good period for the Instructors to complete marking and grading all students’ assignments and catch-up with visiting students’ congregations.

IV. Reports from our alumni

A. As mentioned in our previous report that Hornbye together with his dad, Hornbye Mupengu senior, have made a tremendous impact in Masaiti district. They regularly conduct Bible studies and church services at their farm. They officially opened a congregation during an evangelistic campaign that was slated for October 31st, 2021 in their area. Many gospel tracts and some literature about the church were distributed during the campaign. Hornbye reports that five people were baptized at the same meeting.

B. Bornface Sianjina earned a survival skill in bricklaying while at the Institute and he is now using it in preaching, Bornface is doing well and we are receiving a good recommendation from a congregation where is in Kitwe. Joseph Musonda has started a project of raising chicken for business the skill he earned while at the Institute, Joseph is still preaching since his graduation though the congregation in Luapula has not been able to assist him in terms of finances but, they have provided him a house. We have received a good report about the work he is doing. In fact all our former students are doing very good work at their respective congregations.


We are eternally grateful for the partnership that we have with you in the Lord and the financial support that we have continued to receive from Woodland Oaks Church of Christ.

May God continue blessing you in all your endeavors!

In His Service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on December 10, 2021 .