Back in full swing in Guinea

Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Operations Report for August 2020

Warmest greetings to you all, our supporters and well-wishers of the Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute. We are truly grateful for your support accorded to us especially for those of you in areas where the pandemic is still high. This report will be a summary of major events which took place here during the month of August. These include both classroom and outdoor activities all of which on the overall were good.

Classroom: At the beginning of the year we enrolled 20 students, but after the Covid-19 lock down only 16 were able to resume classes for the 3 weeks just before our July report. Later 1 more student returned making a total of 17 who have continued to this date. These have successfully completed Christian Evidence, Personal Evangelism and the Gospel of Christ 1.

Evangelism: We are beginning to get back in full shape for the preaching of the gospel in and around Gueckedou. On 2nd August, 5 souls were baptized in a nearby village of Bandalo plus 1 in Gueckedou town and all of these worship in the congregation that meets in the school premises. On that same Sunday we baptized 3 in another village called Fassaba where there were already 3 baptized since the 26th July. And because the later were baptized when they made a visit at the school premises congregation, August 2 is considered the beginning date for the Fassaba village church of Christ. Then on the 23rd August 4 more souls were added to that number. Meanwhile a few other conversions had taken place in other areas so that the total converted for the month of August in and around Gueckedou is 26. To God be the glory!

Special Visit to the New Graduates: It was in March that we graduated 15 evangelists who had completed Biblical studies at the Gueckedou BVBI. Since then, we had had very limited contact with them especially so regarding their ministry work. This was due to the pandemic and the lockdown it imposed. But now by the good grace of God the GBVBI administration decided to pay these men a visit in order to show them our concern, interest and encouragement for the noble work for which they have been trained. First we held a meeting with those within and close around town. Then we sent a 2-man delegation to the villages where the men are stationed. We had prepared report forms for any of them willing to share their activities with us. The meetings were successful.

Conclusion: The month of August was successful both for the classroom and outdoor activities. By the grace of God the pandemic is gradually dying down and the Government has lifted most of the barns which prevented free movement even though the borders are still closed. Gueckedou Bear Valley has held classes and evangelized those we could reach. In all 26 souls were brought to Christ. Soon we will also be focusing on some Agriculture activities as HHI awaits on border opening. Once again, we are grateful to you all our supporters and well-wishers

Thanks, Francis  

Posted on September 28, 2020 .