A new Director appointed in Tamale



Thanks to God our fortress of defense and deliverer, we shall forever abide in His word and its testimony. Also, we are very grateful for your kind gesture; for you keep on supporting us to run the school even in this hard time. The comfort of our Lord and Savior rest upon you richly.


Students went home for three weeks break on 09/08/2020 to visit their families and the Church; they also use that opportunity to attend to their farm work as that is the only alternative to sustain their families while in the school. They had a three week break successfully and are back to school on 30/08/2020. Thirteen of them have safely reported and had tested for Covid 19, their tests proved negative and they are observing all the protocols put in place in the school.


The Book of 1 & 2 Thessalonians was treated with the school coordinator Kojo Acquah Beenyi to bring the term to an end. With the students back to school, the Book of Romans is in session with Brother Daniel Adjei Mensah. We pray and hope that the rest of the courses would be given a fair treatment to bring the term to a successful end so that there would be left with only one term to finish with this batch.


As reported last month the school administration is engaged in its activities as we gear toward the end of the year.  Every activity in the school is closely monitored, although, there is still agitation of the Covid 19 pandemic, yet we made good use of opportunities to reach our prospects that picked the admission forms supposedly to have being preparing to come for interview. We pledge to work more effectively now that the school has had a director.

We were enthused to witness the ceremony because that gap has been fixed.


Daniel Adjei Mensah has assumed his role as the Director of the School in Tamale. In a brief ceremony to introduced him to the school by the Coordinator, he pledged his support to the betterment of the school and promised to stand by the truth and do all he can to lift the name of the school high to the glory of God.


None of the students is positive. The School is observing all the protocols as we have been graciously been blessed with what we need by the school. It has been the attitudes of all the Instructors to briefly educate the students of the Dos and Don’ts to avoid contract and spreading of this virus. Please continue to pray with us, we know, with God, we shall overcome these hard times.

Posted on September 28, 2020 .