Resuming classes in Accra



The peace and the love of our Lord be with us now and forever. We thank the Lord God how far He has brought us.

All the students, teaching and non-teaching staff are doing well. There has not been a reported case so far unless our normal stressful and malaria ailment.

During the first week of June, the administration met to decide on when to schedule the reopening date. The conclusion was made on resuming 14th and on 15th normal classes commence which was under the authorization of the E. O. Larbi, the director and Kojo Acquah, the national coordinator and Sammy. The full-time school resumed as dates were disseminated across the social media handles.

Upon resuming, six (6) students reported for the class while information reaching us by unreported students is that the covid-19 keeps increasing and one student mother being in sick bed and he being the only person could not permit him to come. Sadly, we have had the information that the mother has passed on. Currently, effective class is ongoing with those students ready for the class.

Courses understudies are being restructured in order to avoid any lacking courses. The structure is that courses to be taught on the second quarter was occupied by the Covid-19 however, the second quarter courses are currently being taught for this third quarter. All courses that should have been taught the third quarter have been shared among the second and the fourth quarters and are going to be taught as short courses. Therefore, there is going to be four short courses this quarter and six short courses the next quarter together with our normal classes period. I will attach our time table for the activities.

This is a sacrificial period to enable our relief the next year, 2021 and to complete them as according to our normal academic calendar.

As the protocols hold, we are seriously observing them to our best in preventing the spread. Records are being kept on periodic checks on the temperature and washing and anointing of hands with the sanitizer.

The Covid-19 keeps increasing in Ghana, yet, none of our students is positive. Remember us in your daily prayer.

Posted on August 3, 2020 .