Adapting in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe, where it has been rainy since morning. Many of our Christians came to worship wet because they have never had an umbrella nor a rain coat . Hundreds of them still came anyway. I am happy to write what has made news here in Wotutu where we are laboring day and night to grow the church and to keep the Christians under our care focused on Jesus in times like this where many are losing faith and turning against God.

Last week went on well here except that Brother Prisco, our student, is still very sick. We keep going back to see the doctor and to help him in his health. The swelling in his legs is going down a little bit but he is still on his medications. Students are still busy with their studies as they dig deep into the Bible to gain knowledge and to be grounded with the truth. They will be preaching the truth in their respective places as it is less than 5 months until their graduation. Keep them in your prayers because at times like this, they are always facing strong temptation as the devil is not happy that soldiers are about to go out to fight and to depopulated his kingdom.

Keep us in your prayers here. We are faced with lots of challenges with health and daily necessities but we trust God that the tough times will not last for too long because our God is tougher than all of our tough times.

Even though we are praying and teaching, we also make sure our Christians are observing the measures put in place by WHO to help prevent the spread of the pandemic. We have hundreds of masks, hand sanitizer, and hand washing stations to keep us and others safe while we are worshiping. No one enters the hall without doing those things at the door.

I was there to make sure the measures are observed. I was also there to help children know how to wear their masks properly. It is very important for all to obey the rules. Quality face masks were distributed to students as well to keep the fight against COVID-19 alive in school while the students who are preparing for their examinations. Keep these efforts in your thoughts and prayers.

It is compulsory for Bible students to wear their masks before they leave campus for mission work and they are also advised to always put on their mask as they share the gospel on house to house during weekend evangelism.


The second Sunday in August we have mass evangelism in Idenau, which is one of the congregations on the west coast of Cameroon. We want to help nurture the church there.

We shall go to the Supe congregation by the end of August to help the church. The Supe congregation is a struggling congregation. They have part of their roof iron purchased and installed but the other part is expose to the rain. They are crying for help to finish it. We shall be there by the end of the month. Any help toward this project will be very much appreciated.


We can only thank you for all you are doing for the work here. We know God is watching and He will reward you and your family for the extra sacrifices you are making to see that things are happening here for the glory to be giving to God. Please share our report with others.

God bless you and keep you safe. You are in our prayers. Please pray for us as well.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on August 3, 2020 .