The gospel is not masked in Guinea!

Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Report for June and July 2020

It has been quite a difficult time during the lockdown to fully achieve our desires and plans here at the Gueckedou Bible Institute. Nevertheless we were able to make some significant progress in the areas of congregational visit and evangelism. Under Government authorization we were also able to resume classes even though there were obstacles hindering the return of some of the students. Public worship services have also begun and there is a high turn up of the congregation at the school premises thereby demanding a wider space / hall. Here below are the details of the activities highlighted above.

School Resumption: After almost 4 months of lockdown due to the pandemic Government had with strict health measures finally authorize the reopening of schools and religious centers in rural areas. Due to that long period of health crises coupled with the farming season we at the Gueckedou School encountered difficulties in getting back some of the students. By the grace of God a good number did return, but normal classes did not start till  1 week after the official reopening. On the other hand, there is a high turn up of the congregations’ members who meet at the school premises. Before the lockdown our average attendance was 60, but now we are within 80 to 85.

Now in accordance with government health restrictions especially for distancing, we are considering putting up a temporary, but durable shelter in the wide space before the main building. This will serve not only for the congregation and the school session, but for other gatherings or ceremonies such as seminars and graduations.

We have already made sanitizers available for the school and the church community and masques for the students.

Classroom: After the March – June health crises lockdown normal classes at the Gueckedou School resumed on July 6th with 17 of the initial 20 students on roll.  A few days later 1 of the 17 students had to leave due to illness and was encouraged to ensure proper treatment before returning if necessary to wait for the next batch. This means that there are at present 16 students on roll to continue for this academic year. A new paper binder has been purchased to replace the spoiled one. Courses completed so far include Hermeneutics 1 and the Godhead.  This quarter’s course materials are scheduled to be completed by the 22nd of September. 

Congregational Visit / Evangelism: Just before and especially after the lifting of the lockdown band we started making regular weekend visits to encourage and strengthen the new congregations. During these visits, we were able to convert a total of 13 souls in 3 locations – Gueckedou town plus 2 new villages where we also extended our evangelical visits.

Drilled Well on Agriculture Land: With the help of Healing Hands International, we were able to drill the well in the month of May which was the lockdown period. The water is good, abundant and needed by the community and we are ready to serve, but due to the well’s present location – being a bit distant for town not many are able to walk the 300 meters compared to other sources around. Until the buildings of the town which are progressing towards the direction get closer, we have but a few persons who come to fetch the water. Perhaps the need will increase during the dry season.

Conclusion:  Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute has resumed normal classes after some 4 months of lockdown due to the health crises. Sixteen of the 17 students who returned are continuing the course study. Congregational visits and evangelism are strengthening the churches and there were 13 souls added to the body of Christ. We are doing our best to satisfy the Government requirement for health measures. It is our prayer that God will continue to protect and bless the Bear Valley Overseas partners whose support has kept us going. May God eradicate the deadly virus so that we can continue his service. We also thank Healing Hands and all of you for your prayers and support as we look up to moving forward.

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Your servant


Posted on August 12, 2020 .