Finding new ways to spread the gospel in Ghana


Dear Brethren,

We greet you all, our fellow workers in the Lord’s kingdom. By God’s grace another month has ended and we are very thankful to the Lord for His guidance and direction and grateful to you all our brethren for your continuous prayer and support to us at West Coast School of Preaching here in Takoradi, Ghana.

We give below, the report of activities by the school during the month of July, 2020.


Classes for both the regular and part-time students continued very successfully. However, we have two regular students who have failed to report to school since the school resumed classes from Covid-19 break. We have tried talking to them on the phone, but they failed to tell us why they are not coming. And even when we speak to them, they promise to come but all their promises have failed. We later sent them a warning letter giving them a deadline, yet, we have not heard from them, and therefore, we have reached the conclusion that they are no longer coming. And so, that brings the number of the regular students to nine (9) and eighteen (18) part-time students. God willing, we are expecting these nine (9) regular students and eleven (11) part-time to complete their courses by December this year, of which their graduation date is going to be scheduled somewhere next year.


As we all know, Covid-19 has brought a lot of activities to a halt, especially, things that involve social contacts. And this has so much affected evangelism. However, we are trying to do the best that we can to reach people with the gospel. Because it is such a time as this that the world needs Jesus Christ. Therefore, instructor Nathaniel and some students have been using the school’s motorbike to go to some of the nearby villages to do personal evangelism, also, on each Lord’s Day, they use it (the motorbike) to visit the new congregation that was planted in our last campaign for Christ.

I too have been busy preaching on the Facebook and Youtube (3 times each week—Sunday, Monday, and Thursday). Thank God, my videos on Facebook has about between 8,000 and 12, 000 viewership each week. I also continued with my radio preaching.

Also, some of our past students who have formed an evangelism team decided to organize a 5-day gospel campaign for Christ at one of the villages around Takoradi here. And thank God they were able to bring it to an end successfully.

3.      BAPTISMS - God blessed our efforts with three (3) baptisms.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours for the Master’s service.

Joshua Aidoo.

Posted on August 12, 2020 .