Special guest in Zambia

March, 2020


Greetings to you all Brethren in the Lord! We are always humbled and thankful to God for the great privilege He has given to us to work for Him. 

It is indeed another period of time to report and update you of what is happening as far as the school is concerned. As a school, we have this sense of duty and we are very glad to do this each month.  

We have had a very enriching and very fruitful month here at BVBI-Zambia, besides our busy schedule in class, we also had time and allowed students to visit and strengthen various congregations on the copper belt. we had thirteen (13) restorations of which Joseph illunga and Sthembiso Magawa worked extra had in their preaching. Students have also set various Bible studies in our neighborhood which is going on well and we pray for the good harvest. Students were also involved in community work, keeping church buildings clean.

We have been blessed to receive Donnie Estep our Country Coordinator who arrived on 23 February and left on 29th February 2020.  He taught a short course in the book of Romans for the final year students, we were also very delighted for the wonderful fellowship we had together. After traveling and teaching in two different countries here in Africa, he concluded his travel and teaching with BVBI-Zambia. We believe he was saving the best for last! We are encouraged each time he comes our way. We thank God for  him.

The students will on Friday 6th March, 2020 go on a one week break and they will come back on Friday 13th March, 2020. This break will allow them to prepare for the next quarter which starts on 16th March, 2020.  Once again this holiday provide as teachers ample time to prepare for class work and to mark the exams and grade all the assignments of the students. We are also preparing for a national Youth conference for the Church of Christ to be hosted here on the copper-belt province in Ndola, this will start on 9th April and ends 12th April 2020. Our Institute has been invited to attend and we look forward to this meeting, our last year’s meeting was very successful and we continue soliciting for your prayers for its success

The students will be taught the following courses in the next quarter: Old Testament 5 (Study of the Minor Prophets: Hosea - Malachi), Life of Christ 4 (The final days: Passover through the resurrection)

Preacher’s Work and then the Book of Hebrews. During this quarter brother Kennedy Mukuka will teach a short course. Our country has been attacked by what is known as ritual killings which started here on the copper-belt and spread to the rest of the country please pray for our country that peace avails and the gospel be preached with courage.

We continue to be very grateful to the Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for the continued support of the work here. Without which the work that the school is involved in would be very difficult to achieve. Moreover, all your efforts and prayers for the work here are highly appreciated.


Cephas and Fred

Posted on March 17, 2020 .