A surprise visit in India

Reporting letter for the month of February -2020


We hope that this reporting letter may serve us to convey our greetings, gratitude and thanks to each one of the prayer partners and supporters of Bear Valley Bible Institute, in Tiurpati, A. P. State in India.

We are thankful to Mr. Keith Kasarjian for visiting our BVBI-Tirupati on March 4th ,2020. We  are happy to report that all the students, teaching staff, non-teaching staff and building owner’s family members have been  encouraged by his kind  visit. He also visited our HHI-Agricultural kitchen garden which was being established at just opposite side of our college building , he appreciated the  innovative methods of raised beds, dip irrigation system, self making compost, building perfect fencing to prevent from the animals like cows, pigs, chickens etc., and cultivating organic healthy vegetables. We are thankful to Mr.Carl Burkeybile who is the director Agriculture -HHI for his guidance and encouragement to establish this demonstration AG garden. We are thankful to Mr. Keith Kasarjian for visiting the girls school where my wife works, he is able to witness the HHI-Bore well and sewing centre, he appreciated these projects over there.

We are happy to mention about Mr. Dennis Winder , one of the elder from Foothills church of Christ , AR,USA who has visited our Bible college in the month of February 24th , he preached a wonderful sermon on Living sacrifice from the 12 chapter of the epistle of Romans.  He is interested  to discuss with one of the bible teacher from their local church and send to our BVBI to teach few courses, we are thankful for this great provision . It would be much blessing for our students.

Brother.Dennis Widner was able to work with us from February 24 to 28. We were able to travel and visit  few places like Vidyanagar-Village, Kota-Town,Jangapalli-Village, Gunapadu-Village,  Venkatagiri-Town,Gudur town, Nellore-city, Circus colony etc…God has blessed our travelling and visitings .We are thankful to Mr.John R.Vaughan the senior  minister from Graymere church of Christ who brought Mr,Dennis Widner to our place , we are ever grateful to Mr.John R.Vaughan who spoke highly about BVBI and encouraged to have their extension centre at our city, we are thankful to the elders of Graymere church and foothills church for their love and commitment for the church plantation ministry at our place.

We are thankful to our Coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds for his dedication and sacrifice to travel in the month of January and teaching for one week , we also grateful to Mr.Damon Vincent( sunset church of Christ)  for his teachings and also conducting Christian growth bible seminar in the month of January 2020.

According to the BVBI-calendar  soon after two months period of class work the students need to be sent out for the one month practical work. Therefore all the students of Bear Valley Bible Institute at Tirupati have been sent out for the field work in the month of February. This one month break is so much  useful and helpful for our students to work with different  local congregations and gain more practical experience .We thank you so much for your loving cooperation and fervent prayers for the success of the spiritual educational project (Bible College). Please keep on praying for the 4rd Semester as began our classes from March 2nd Monday onwards , during this semester it is our goal to complete 6 courses which includes

Personal Evangelism 2 (Church planting) 1 & 2 Peter, Jude, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Worship (Principles, doctrine and practice of N.T. church), SC Leadership, Galatians (suggested to emphasize the relation to Hebrews). Beside their class room work students are given home work, memory work , weekly exams and their class room running note books are being observes on each daily . BVBI-Tirupati is trying  level best to maintain the good standard in preparing effective spiritual soldiers for the sake  dying souls in our county. We strongly believe that only the word of God is solution for all the spiritual problems.

Thanking you.

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar, Behalf of BVBI-Tirupati, India.

Posted on March 17, 2020 .