Pressing on in India

Reporting letter for the month of November-2020

We convey our warmest greetings to you in the matchless name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. We are ever grateful to you for your continual  prayers  and encouragement. We pray that this reporting letter finds you well spiritually as well as physically.

We are grateful to our international director for devotion which was conducted yesterday, it was rally a thrilling experience for me to see all my brothers who ever involved in this great task of training faith people in all over the world. In fact it was my ambition to have such a meet with all the directors of the BVBI. We  praising God for such a great privilege that we had yesterday. The lesson which was delivered by Mr. Denny Petrillo has given us a great encouragement to fight against Satan and win souls for Christ and train up faith men and women for the  spiritual bottle against the Satan.

Dear brothers , There is cyclone storm effect in India , there is heavy rain continually falling down  for few days but by the grace of God well are safe.

 We have began our classes in the month of September after covid-19 , we try to follow all the necessary covid-19’s  guidelines as per the Indian governmental instructions . By the grace of God we have completed the fifth semester and six semester has been going on  now , in order to cover up and complete the syllabus  we have cancelled the break up period . We appreciate the students and staff for their well cooperation. In the month of November we have completed the gospel according to John and  first John, second John and Third John and Book of Acts and book of  Romans .

Regarding the kitchen garden which was established by the cooperation of Healing Hands International:  The second crop was completed,  again students and staff have involved in doing hard work in order to cultivate and sowing the seeds for the third time crop. We have planted Bitter gourd, Brinjal, Okra ,Onion, Ginger, Bottle gourd, Pumpkin and other Leafy greens. We are grateful to Mr.Carl Burkybile , the director of agriculture  –HHI,  for his great encouragement and guidance for the establishment and  maintenance of the healthy  and organic vegetable garden in India. We grow all the planted in the raised beds , we have 12 beds in our garden. We are happy to share with you that each bed has been taking care of by two students voluntarily, now the garden is clean and healthy.  We not only care for the plants but also the soil given by God.

We once again thankful for all your efforts which you invest for the smooth function of BVBI-project in India, we are need of your continual prayers and encouragement.

Prayer request: Dear brothers , lord willing in the month of January- 15 and 16 -2021 we would like to organize the Bible Seminar , there will be 12 lessons from the book of Proverbs. We humbly request your prayers for the success of the seminar.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

Vijay  behalf of BVBI-Tirupati-India.

Posted on December 21, 2020 .