Making great strides in Zimbabwe



2020 is coming to an end. It has been a year with a difference due to the COVID pandemic. However, the hand of God has been visible throughout. November was not an exception. God’s guidance continued. We can report on the following;


1.1 Graduation

As highlighted in the last report, graduation for our second intake shall take place on the 13th of February 2021. Preparations are in progress.


The graduating class continued with its evangelism efforts in various areas. Seven of the students already have congregations which they are serving as ministers. Three are still to be engaged but are heavily active in their respective congregations. They are available for engagement. The efforts of these graduates-to-be saw 6 souls being added to the church.


The third intake which has been doing online classes will be coming for face to face instruction on the 6th of December and break on the 20th of December. Classes will resume on the 6th of January 2021. This will be the first class to undertake their studies at the new site.


Two major projects took center stage in the month, that is, poultry and maize project. In December, we are hoping to introduce free range (road runners) and rabbits. The idea is for projects to contribute, in a small way, to the school’s budget, provide food for students, provide life survival skills for students and slowly provide more capital for other projects. This month we report on poultry and the maize project.

3.1 Maize

In the previous reports we highlighted the school’s desire to plant maize and beans on the +/-10 hectares availed to the school. A hectare of maize was planted on the 18th of November. The lack of resources has hampered the planting of more hectares. $4770 was needed to fully utilize the land.

3.2 Poultry

The school’s poultry project continued in the month of November. The batch of 200 birds which we started on the 16th of October began to be sold around the 23rd of November. Due to the scarcity of chicks, we got a batch of 25 and another of 50 on the 27th. The former will be ready around the 25th of December while the latter, around the 8th of January.


The construction of the much anticipated teacher’s house commenced on the 6th of November. The following stages were successfully done and inspected; setting out, trenching, footing and the box. The two next stages will be to put the slab and then the construction of the superstructure.

Great appreciation to Woodland Oaks for the provision towards this effort and the local brethren for doing the same. Besides the list of families who made contributions as presented in the last report, the following families provided the following amounts;

Chirenda $200

Mukondwa  $10

Maseko $10

Suwari  $80

Muchingami   $100

Toperesu $50

Chimedza $40

Mazambani  $20


As reported above, progress continues to be registered on several fronts. The words of Paul in Philippians 4:8 can sum up, for us, the month of November for us:Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.To God be the glory

Posted on December 21, 2020 .