Towards sustainability in Zimbabwe



Lockdown measures that had been put up by the government to combat the spread of Covid19 are slowly being eased. Life is slowly going back to the “old normal.” Lessons (for the third intake) continued using the online platforms.  The second intake continued preaching “in season and out of season.”  Furthermore, the foundation is being laid for projects whilst infrastructure development took another step in the month. Some of these are reported hereunder.


Sustainable projects are key to the development of BVBIZ. Some of the key targets is to produce graduates who are multi- skilled and resourced to transform their lives and those of their communities. Some of the key projects on the school’s wish-list of the school include poultry (broilers, road runners and layers), fishery, market gardening, rabbit keeping, goat production, piggery, bee keeping amongst others.   Eventually, BVBIZ should be able to meet part of her own budget locally and empower the students in a way.  The greatest limitation will be the financial resources to get some of the projects up and running. However, this month we can begin to report on the following;

1.1 Maize and Beans

The size of our land is 8 hectares. A lot of work needs to be done to make a section of the land ready for the next planting season which is set to begin in a few weeks’ time. However, some members of the community have availed to us a total of almost 10 hectares of land to use this coming season. The plan will be to plant maize (5-6 hectares) and beans (3 hectares).  Within these hectares we shall also plant pumpkin, sweet potatoes and water melons. The main focus will, however, be on maize and beans. Whilst these will lower our food budget, maize will also be critical for the poultry project.  The maize project requires $490/hectare whilst beans requires $610/hectare. The total needed is $4770 if the school is to make maximum use of the available land. All this remain as a dream since much of the school’s resources have been dedicated to construction. Any assistance towards this endeavour will be greatly appreciated.

1.2 Broilers

One of the targeted projects to be undertaken is the raising of broilers. The first batch of 50 came on the 4th of September. Once the market is established, we hope to slowly increase the batches.

1.3 Garden

One of the essential projects to be undertaken is market gardening. A small portion has been cleared to cater for this effort. The produce shall be for local consumption whilst the excess will be sold to add to the school’s income. More information shall be shared in the subsequent reports. The vision will be to put the garden under drip irrigation. About $1310 is needed for the drip system in this garden.


Evangelism continued in the month of September. The major focus is on the efforts of our graduating class. These are scattered all over but have remained effective in the field. Some of them are working with their local preachers. The congregations concerned include Rimuka, Plasworth, Sipaba, Maware, Manyame, Sharara, Mashayamvura, Alaska, Shackleton, and Redcliff.  From the students’ report, a total of 21 souls were baptized in the month.


We praise God for what we were able to achieve in September. More activities shall start in as the country opens up after the lockdown. Thank you for your financial and the moral support we continue receiving. To God be the glory!

Posted on October 19, 2020 .