Back in class in India

Reporting letter for the month of September-2020

Respected beloved brother Keith Kasarjian the director of International Bible studies and Mr. Mark Reynolds the coordinator of Bear Valley Bible Institute and all the supports and prayer partners of our BVBI-Tirupati-India we humbly convey our warmest greetings to you. We are ever grateful to you for your continual prayers and encouragement. We hope that this mail may find you good health.

By the grace of God all the students, teaching staff and non-teaching staff and my family members are doing well. We convey many thanks for your loving and most precious and valuable help for the smooth function of the spiritual educational project of BVBI-Tirupati. We are really grateful to you for your love and generosity . I am Certain that God is working through BVBI, as our good father in heaven expects every one must be saved regarding less of his color, caste, country and  language he belongs. This is possible only by preaching the gospel of Christ which can eradicate all the spiritual problems and save the souls for eternal life by the precious blood of Christ.

As  Apostle Paul tells in Rom 10:14-b”… will they hear without a preacher (NKJV),the main goal of BVBI-Tirupati is to prepare the young men to proclaim the gospel of Christ . According to 2Timothy 2:2 we have selected faithful men to train them up who can teach others also. In the month of September third week the class room work was began after relieving from the covid-19 restrictions , soon the students had  arrived they were put in quarantine for five days in our own campus and then they were allowed for  the classes. Regarding the calendar all students and teachers agreed to continue the classes without giving the break in between the semesters.  According to our new plan the syllabus will be completed by the third week of April-2021. The month of May would be horrible and hot summer in India, generally all the educational departments get summer vacations in the month of May. 

Lord willing we want to begin the fresh batch in the month of June-2021. We are happy to report you that all our students before they come for this semester they have seriously involved in their local church activities, most of the students were sent by the local churches where young preachers are mostly wanted.

We are thankful to some of the workers who come and assist in several ways without expecting material help in order to run this project in better way more effectively. We are thankful to Healing Hands International for their great assistance for the establishment of Agricultural kitchen garden. We appreciate all the guests who came and visited from outside of our nation in 2019 and 2020 .We pray that the vaccine may be invented soon for the covid-19 so that this virus may not hinders  for the travelling of my beloved brothers and sisters. We are thankful to our international director Mr. Keith Kasarjian for supplying all the  study material for two years ,  we also thankful for to Dr.Damon Vincent and Mr.John R.Vaughan and Mr.Jerry Bates for sending wonderful additional bible material by mail.

We once again thankful to you for all your prayers and encouragements, we treat you as blessing of God. We love you and sincerely appreciate your love for the spiritual educational program in India. We continue to pray for you and humbly request your continual prayers  for  BVBI-Tiurpati-India.

Thanking you all.

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

Vijay&Swarupa. Behalf of BVBI-Tirupati-India.

Posted on October 19, 2020 .