The school in Lesotho is making a difference


The teachers are pleased with the students’ performance in and outside class. Students have engaged with more prospects and some souls were added to the church. Evangelism weekend is set to be on the 28th of September 2019.

The students have dedicated their lives to study the word of God. Their performance in class shows how serious they are to know more about God’s word and to proclaim it. Not only are they excelling in class but also in their respective congregations. The school continues to receive testimonies from different congregations pertaining the impact our students have in their assemblies. Hence, the teachers are happy with the performance of the students.

Maseru church of Christ has this year established two congregations, one in Sehlabeng and the other one in Ladybrand (South Africa). The church sometimes sent some students to assist these two congregations. As a result, Sehlabeng and Ladybrand church of Christ appreciate the services provided by BVBILesotho, they would like the students to visit them every week but due to financial constraints that would not happen now. The students who sometimes visit these assemblies confessed that the opportunities they got to preach was one of the ways to practice what they learn in class. Therefore, the teachers would want all students to have chances to preach and teach mainly in these two congregation.  

About 50 prospects have been engaged with BVBIL students. Moshe Tsoene and Vincent Shata are continuing with their series of Bible study with Sekamaneng Apostolic church in Zion. The attendance has increased to 16. Likhama Leuta has organized a Bible study with two soldiers who have high ranks in Lesotho army, the studies have been going on for two weeks now.

Moliko Moliko, Motlatsi Ramphielo and Tankiso Rahlao are doing well on the radio programme, they are also marketing the school on the radio apart from their weekly lessons ‘Why we are the church of Christ’. Sibongile, Senate and Litlhari have been instrumental in organizing Bible studies with young men and young ladies. As a result of that, a young man and a young lady obeyed the gospel and were baptized.

Moholo Lesesa has organized a group of teen boys and Tawanda is helping them with counselling and Bible studies. The topic in July was ‘Who am I?’ and August was ‘Does God care about me?’. These lessons have made great impact in these teens, two put on Christ in baptism.

The school will have its first outreach on the 28th of September 2019, pray for this event to be successful.

In conclusion, the school would want to thank everyone who is behind the success of BVBIL. Our students are engaged in personal work and their influence has impacted the church. We are looking forward to have brother Donnie Estep in September who will be teaching ‘The Scheme of Redemption.

In His arms,

Tawanda Mwadiya                                                                                                                                                                BVBILesotho

Posted on September 10, 2019 .