New school in India doing well

The Bear Valley Bible Institute, Tirupati, A.P., India

This is a great joy to write a report of Bear Valley Bible Institute, by the grace of our good father in heaven  the  bible institute has been functioning smoothly. We have completed  the first quarter. We sent out our students for the practical work in the month of August (break) and they were involved in the local church ministry along with the recommended local preachers. After completing the practical work for one month they have submitted the work report to the college , their reports tell that each one of them were able to conduct personal evangelism, home bible studies, street gospel meeting, door to door tracts distribution, children classes, youth classes ,NT distribution, funeral services and weddings evens ,thanks giving meetings etc…. we noticed 4 baptisms in their work report, as per the college instructions they have well prepared five year work plan for the future ministry and submitted to the Bible Institute .

Our Bible college second quarter has been started on August-26th,2019, all the students and teaching and non teaching staff have returned back to their duties with good health and dedicated spirit , the institute functions normally, we all are trying our level best to work more effectively in training gospel preachers ( 2 Timothy 2;2) better than first quarter .

We are happy to share with you that we have students from Chittoor ,Nellore, Krishna,west Godavari, east Godavari,Srikakulam districts, few students came from north east of India, majority of the students were recommended by the local preachers .

We are highly delighted to share about my African trip, Healing Hands International has conducted two days work shop in Zimbabwe in  August 21&22,  during the work shop first sessions of two days  have given me opportunity to proclaim the word of God. In the work shop we have learned several innovative methods how to cultivate healthily kitchen garden , this helps us to establish sustainable kitchen garden near by our Bible Institute.

We very much delighted to mention that I was able to visit the Bear Valley Bible Institute at Harare which is capital city of Zimbabwe , the local director Mr. Howard Suwari and his wife are doing wonderful ministry , praising God for reaching unreached corners of globe to set  up Bear Valley Bible Institute,  grateful to the international director Mr.Keith Kasarjian for his great efforts in travelling restlessly even to Zimbabwe and other African countries.

We praise God to know that with the understanding of the Mr.Keith Kasarjian ,the director of  International Biblical studies and Coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds next month some of the missionaries will be visiting our Bear Valley Bible Institute  (from Graymere church of Christ Mr.John R.Vaughan, Mr.Jonathan Winchester, Mr.Matt Bowling , one of the elder Mr.Larry Nokes from Foot Hill church of Christ, one of the sister Linda smith ,she is administrative Assistant of Healing Hands International and other sister Jackie Hill from Church of Christ in USA), these sisters and brother are regularly visiting India, they are a great encouragement and blessing of God.

We are ever grateful to you for your love and support for this bible educational program, We are need of your continual prayers and encouragement for the Bear Valley Bible Institute in our city,

Thanking you.

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

Vijay&swarupa from Bear Valley Bible Institute,Tirupati,A.P,India.

Posted on September 10, 2019 .