Off to a great start in India

Respected beloved brothers in Christ warmest greetings to you from the  Bear Valley Bible Institute, Tirupati-city, India. I take this opportunity to send you update news regarding our bible Institute.

Tirupati -city in India is a famous pilgrim place, Hindu religious people call it as temple city of India, because their prominent temple being constructed in this city on the top of seven hills, each day about 1,00000 to 1,20,000 people visit this temple,  there are seven universities have been established in this city by the Indian government .

Almost all we were praying and planning for the establishment of the Bear Valley Bible Institute in this city for many years , we did correspondence with the director of the International Biblical studies in Bear Valley in USA enough time, But God has His own  plan for everything to be established in His own time.

Behalf of the  Bear Valley Institute Mr.Keith Kasarjian  has visited India and  stayed with us enough time in January -2019 and completed the  survey work. In The month of May-2019 We have conducted one week youth camp and given awareness  of the Bear Valley Bible Institute,  and many of the students could able to take decision to join in the Bible College for the two years preachers bible training.

The Inauguration event of the Bear Valley Bible Institute took place on May 28, 2019, several gospel preachers from different local churches in India were able to attend and witness the program, they felt so happy to see the infrastructure of the Bible College and impresses to send the young men for the bible training.

Bear Valley Bible Institute’s first semester has  started on  June 3rd, 2019,  God has blessed our classes  with 24 students , they did hard work in following the most experienced teaching faculty as Bear Valley is having sound and effective syllabus, in our first semester we have completed The Books of Genesis, Job, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, How we got Bible, Basic principle of Indian constitution, English skills  and began the  Christian evidences, each day we had few guest students beside our regular students  for the  classes.

Our students are privileged  to attend for the local church  weekly programs, they did attend for the eight  midweek bible studies and  eight Sunday worship services and also for the few  praise meetings which we conducted in the families of local church.

Our First campaign of the first semester  we had  at Yerravaripallem village , it is about 40 miles away from the Bible Institute, it has been located in the hill side ,  on that day two souls were baptized and local church  members  over there could able to construct new church building in that hill side rural area, one of the student  from BVBI goes each Sunday for assisting them in preaching and every Thursday evening he goes for bible study.

We conducted second campaign at  Nellore district, Vidyanagar village which is about 100 miles far away from the Bible Institute,   we invited college young girls and boys, we had full day meeting  and presented good lessons concerning young people.

The Month of August is break time for the Bible Institute in Tirupati, during this short period our students were instructed to participate in the practical gospel ministry along with the recommended local preachers, they need to submit daily report  beside that they need to write assignment work from the completed syllabus and submit when they turn back to the Bible Institute after the short break.

Our coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds did  correspondence with several guest teachers and able to fix few of them to visit us and teach in our Bible College, lord willing one of the brother Mr. Jerry Bates and his wife Mr.Paula Bates, (USA) may travel to our city  and they will be teaching from August 25 -30 in our Bible college, all the students, teaching and non-teaching faculty join with me to convey our biggest thank to our director Mr.Keith Kasarijian,  we appreciate his out standing efforts for the success of establishing the bible college in Tirupati-city,  we also thankful to our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynold, Bear Valley Bible Institute staff in USA and all the donors and prayer partners , special thanks to our local churches in Vidyanagar and Tirupati, Iam thankful to my wife swarupa for her great assistance in doing several things concerning college set up works and also keeping the  accounts most accurately for the sake of  Indian GOVT and also to be submitted to our Director and the coordinator , we are ever grateful to our good father in heaven for His continual guidance, love, mercies, grace, kindness and concern, we request each one of you to continue to pray for the function of Bear Valley Bible Institute in Tirupati, India for the glory of our good father in heaven.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar,

The Director of

Bear Valley Bible Institute in Tirupati

Posted on August 13, 2019 .