15 more souls baptized in northern Ghana




We again thank God for His favor shown on us to witness the end of yet another month. We wish to express our appreciation for the good work you continue to offer to us as brothers in the Lord. May God increase you in every aspect of life to enable you finish or achieve your ambition.


The classes for the second term are  ongoing, Brothers Acquah Beenyi Kojo for The New Testament Church 1 and Ayillah Roger Akumse for Old Testament 2 {Historical books Joshua-Esther  and The Life of Christ 1 is in session with Brother Albert Malir remaining two more courses {Godhead & Homiletic 1} to end the term.


As part of the activities scheduled for the second term is a campaign at Bongo. Bongo is the capital town of Bongo District, one of the nine (9) districts in the Upper East of northern Ghana. Bongo is nearer to Bolgatanga, the capital of Upper East Region. It shares borders with Kassena-Nankana District in the West and the Bolgatanga Municipal District in the South.

Bongo is a rocky area, the Bongo rocks is a  tourism site, which provides a beautiful view of all the Bongo districts landscape and allow an easy ascent. The predominant occupation in Bongo district is subsistence farming along with some handicraft production. Nearly 90 percent of the district’s inhabitants speak Gurene/Frafra.

As a result, on the 29th day of July, 2019 the entire students’ body under the leadership of James Legend moved to Bongo where they stayed and evangelized for seven (7) days. Brother James led the team because the brother in charge of campaigns (Preacher Francis Ayine) had a car accident on the 22nd of July, 2019.

There were about fifteen (15) souls that were added to the Church through baptism. These were people we preached to from all the four (4) communities in and around Bongo. These fifteen people include the chief of a village called Agamolgo.


We remain committed to the course of advertising and elevating the image of the college in Tamale higher to attract the attention of the prospects. Sixteen students are currently in school and more prospects are calling for the admissions that are not members of the Church. We are communicating tediously to convert them before we offer them the admission as the doctrine of the Church is concern. Some members who are government workers are also calling for part time course implementation to enable them also have the benefits. We need your prayer and discretion on these matters.

We are working diligently on the impending workshop for the Sunday School teachers and seminar for the preachers and positive responses from participants are realized and we have done our best to inform them the order of the programs. We can now ascertain the fact that the programs will be a fruitful one.


The wall work on the Church plot was perfectly done to the level of four blocks on two sides and other side three blocks. We are very happy about it because now we can claim full ownership of the plot as that have stopped the land being used as road.  We pray that you continue to assist us in such ventures like this to expand the work of the Church in this part of the country-Ghana.

God keeps us all safe in all we do amen!

Your steward in Christ

Albert Malir Tamanja

Posted on August 13, 2019 .