8 baptized in Nepal

Nepal Center for Biblical Study

April – June,  2019

Respected brothers in Christ,

Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. May grace of God, love and peace always be with you.

Vacation camp

We are doing well in the kingdom of God at Kathmandu. We had finished our three weeks of holiday on the month of April. We had time to encourage our graduated students with their home congregations. Total eight new souls were added in the Church. Most of our graduated students are doing their hard work in the vine yard of the Lord. Possibly we will get some new students from their areas for the next class. We did had ladies classes in three different congregations. Rejina, and our current lady students had opportunity to teach other ladies in our vacation camp.

Regular classes

We are doing well in our regular classes at school. We are repeating our Old Testament and New Testament books. Brother Jerry is taking classes in different topics from the Bible.


If things are going smoothly, we will do our lectureship and graduation for this group of students in the last week of September month.

Voice of Truth International

We have finished our translation and proof reading of VOTI. We will print out in this month. Another volume will be print on the month of October.

Thank you all of your prayer, support, love and guidance.

Brother in Christ,

Gajendra Deshar


Posted on July 10, 2019 .