Special guest teacher in Malawi




What a great start of the second semester full of good news from student’s home congregations! We are glad to be back at school for our second semester. We were also blessed to have Brother Richard and Carol his wife. Richard taught our students in the course of “Church history”. Brother Richard and his wife stays in Chimala – Tanzania for the Lord’s sake. As they were in Malawi during this time, not only our students have benefited from them, but also some of Mzuzu congregations did.

Sister Carol had been teaching sisters at Matindibizi in Mpherembe area, Ekwendeni, Katoto and also in Chivunguru Rumphi. On 15th June, there was a seminar at Katoto in Mzuzu and Richard was asked to teach on “reading the word of God” and “The importance of studying God’s words” Nehemiah 8:8. Richard and Carol were also asked to attend worship at Kaviwale church of Christ which he helped establish in 12 years ago. So, on 16th which was Sunday we went to kaviwale where Ephron taught bible class on “How to be a Faithful servant” Ezra 7:10 and Brother Richard preached on “Staying focused life” Hebrews 12:1-3. In all these places the request has been appealing to Richard and Carol to come again!

Good news from the students

We have been waiting for the students to come from their one month holiday, and they reported at school on 2nd June with their faces bright! This was about the good news they brought from their different home congregations. They have been attending seminars, teaching classes, and much more preaching door to door which fulfil the command of great commission by our Lord Jesus Christ – Matthews 28:19-20. From the 14 congregations these student are coming from, many souls have been encouraged by their preaching, teaching and many other duties they helped in while they were on the holiday. The out-come of their holiday has been that 7 souls had been added to the Lord’s church and more than 7 restored.

Short-course teacher

We received Brother Richard on 8th June who started teaching on the 10th of June to the 14th of June. We are always thankful for the visiting teachers. It’s not easy to leave your home on your own expenses to come and help us teach. Therefore, extend our gratitude to Brother Richard for his coming to teach at our school. It was a good class on “church history” as many students confessed that this was their first time to learn how the “Departure from faith started” they admitted to have learnt a lot. After he finished the class on Friday the 14th of June, Bear Valley Bible Institute – Ekwendeni was happy to take Brother Richard and Carol for a meal in Mzuzu where we joined them celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary! It was great joy as we even were accompanied by Brother Moster the evangelist at Katoto Church of Christ, and his wife, along with 3 other families of preachers who works with Moster. It was such a blessing for them to come to Malawi.


We have been invited again to help in establishing two congregations in the area of western Mpherembe. But still our challenge is transport to take our students there. Many people have seen how our school does the door to door work and are calling us to help. We still don’t lose hope, because God wants all people to be saved and will help us with transport. We are ready to share our faith always whether we go near or far!


We are also happy to let you know that in September this year, we will have Donnie come and teach the last short-course and have graduation ceremony at the end. This will be our second graduation ceremony in Malawi since the school was established in 2015.

2020/2021 intake

We are planning to have our next interviews in October this year. We have already received 24 application forms from all the regions of Malawi. We are hoping to have more application forms coming. The more applicants, the better the choice! We are looking to have 20 students this time. As we have the opportunity, we need to train many preachers as we can. Opportunity + Ability =Responsibility.

Words of thanks

We are very thankful to Bear Valley International for the support fro this work. The school cannot run without your support. Keep up supporting us in many ways you can as this school still need your involvement. Thanks for your kindness and many prayers! We are also thankful for Brother Richard and Sister Carol for helping Matindibizi congregation where Carol taught the ladies, by giving them a sawing machine and also helping them have an opportunity to buy subsidised Bibles that are found with Ephron. The Bibles are in our local language of Tumbuka. So you have the Bible under two conditions; you either memorize the books of the bible or you buy it at Mk5, 000 to get one, instead of Mk7, 100 at the Malawi Bible Society. Let me also thank Brother Dale my fellow worker in the Lord for helping funding for this subsidised Bible project twice since last year. This is really helping many Christians in rural congregations have a Bible. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on June 25, 2019 .