Good news from Fiji

Report from the Bible Institute at Raiwaqa, Fiji

We just completed the first week of the second term.  We have 10 students this term.  The classes for this term are Peter and Jude, Romans, the Crucifixion of Jesus, Old Testament Poetry 2 (Proverbs through Song of Solomon), Hermeneutics,  and OT History 1 (Joshua through 1 Samuel).  

We have been very fortunate to have congregations send us books for our students.  The Westside Church of Christ has sent books to our students on a number of occasions.  We just recently received 16 copies of Evangelism Handbook by Phil Sanders.  We really appreciate this congregation and others who are putting tools in the hands of our students to build up their own personal libraries.  

We said goodbye to our first international student.  Lency Mena came to us from the Solomon Islands and finished up his course work at the end of this past term.  While we were sad to see him leave, we are excited about the work he will be doing in the Solomon Islands.  He plans to spend two years working with the church in the capital city of Honiara and after that relocate with his family to Nendo Island to establish the church there.  Lency and his wife Nancy are both from this island.  Please pray for Brother Lency and his family!

To God be the glory,


Posted on May 28, 2019 .