Campaign success in Malawi


May Report  


Bear valley Bible Institute Ekwendeni in Malawi is continuing doing a great job of teaching and preaching the Gospel. As we reported that the students are on holiday and yet not resting still preaching and winning souls to Christ! We are very thankful to God that the name of the school is also being known to many areas in Malawi through the work our students are doing.

More to this, we are also proud of our former students, who are still proving themselves that they really graduated for a purpose of winning souls to Christ. In this report, we have good news from one of our former student Saliwa Nkosi. Saliwa is a powerful teacher and preacher. He recently (15th to 19th May), conducted a preaching campaign and invited the Director and Instructors of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Ekwendeni to attend. It was great joy as we witnessed about 21 souls being saved. This is truly walking in the path  known to Jesus Christ, for He came to save that which was lost Luke 19:10!

Preaching Campaign

Brother Saliwa Nkosi organised a preaching campaign in his home area at a distance of about 7 miles away from his home village. The area is called Emadhloveni; it has lot of people but no congregation. It is now great joy to share the news that the church is now established in this area after the campaign brother Saliwa conducted. We arrived in this village on 15th May, which was the day of getting everything set for the campaign.

It was very interesting on Saturday, as we were going out house to house to preach, those who heard us preach in the previous days were following us asking more questions about Christ and His church. And still some wanted to be added to the Lord's church, this was amazing! The Lord used us as His vessel to lead lost people to Himself.

We want to express our gratitude to Bear Valley International for their support. Without your support this could have not been achieved. We want also to thank brother Saliwa for his zeal in this work of winning souls to Christ. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

 Ephron & Clergynton

Note: We are eagerly waiting to see our students back in class on 3rd June!


Posted on May 28, 2019 .