Entire denominational church converted



The 2nd Evangelism Campaign of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Abuja was organized as a support and follow-up exercise for the newly established congregation at Kpaduma 1, Asokoro extension, Abuja. It was a denominational church, converted and changed to Church of Christ, Asokoro, Abuja. The former pastor-turned-preacher of the church, Victor Olukayode, was a listener of the 'Let the Bible Speak' program of the Church of Christ, Kado Abuja, for over seven (7) years, which motivated his conversion in June 2019. Three instructors of the BVBI-Abuja are currently involved in his special training.

A Brief on Victor Yusuf Olukayode

Victor became a convert from Islam into denominational Christianity about ten years ago and he became very zealous for the things of God. He, however, wasn’t satisfied with the brand of Christianity he was getting and began ‘searching’ without being very overtly conscious of his search. He established his church and set it up the best way he knew and followed his heart concerning how he thought pure religion and the Christian life should be.

About seven years ago, he stumbled on our TV program, Let the Bible Speak’ and began to explore the Bible and New Testament undenominational Christianity with the team. He began to spot practices that were not in consonance with New Testament teachings and he commenced on aligning his church with what he was learning about restoration on TV. About a year ago, he said he also stumbled on the ‘Let the Bible Speak’ Radio program (LTBS) that Brothers Biodun Adegoroye, Felix Ekpeyong and David Akpata anchor every Sunday morning on Raypower, (African Independent Television –AIT) Radio Station in Abuja. It was then that Victor, like King Josiah who ‘found’ the sacred book and began a restoration of the ancient religion, took the faithful decision. You may recall that the ‘Bible’ (Book of the Law) was lost in the generation of the King but was found abandoned somewhere in the temple during repairs (2Ki 22:3-6). King Josiah undertook a massive and comprehensive restoration of the ancient religion that God gave the Israelites and he was accounted by God as a faithful leader. Victor was greatly influenced by this ideal of restoring the ancient Words and Christian religion as revealed in the book of God that was lost from the early centuries and later found by those dissatisfied with the apostasy from the Christian faith prophesied by Jesus, the Prophets and the Apostles. He began to call us at LTBS and we finally booked an appointment. He didn’t know he would be baptized that day but the Spirit of the Lord arrested him and he gave his life to Christ. He got home to explain the joy he has in his conversion and his wife also decided for Christ. Eight members of the denomination took the great decision to follow Christ in His way prescribed by faith while some in the denomination left the church, not being comfortable with the direction their former ‘Pastor’ is now taking them.

Victor has renounced ownership of the church and in his own words, he says “I have given the church over to Jesus because I know it was never mine and I do not have the right to own a church!” He stopped collecting tithes from the congregation and is no longer having all church monies belonging to him. He disposed of the mechanical musical instruments and changed the signboard of the church to read Church of Christ rather than Liberation House.

He also came to the realization that he has to start afresh unlearning and relearning to retool and become biblically effective in his love for the gospel and proclaiming Christ. He humbly left the pulpit to learn under the feet of those whom God has appointed to teach him aright. It is a joy to see his hunger and thirst for righteousness and our prayer to God is for God to sustain his faith and love for His work. A lot of challenges awaits but with God, he and family will surely overcome them all. Three BVBI instructors have begun training him and the church and we covet your prayers for strength and success in this work.

The campaign featured students and faculty of Bear Valley Bible Institute Abuja and members of the Churches of Christ, Asokoro and Kado, with a total of 51 participants, consisting of 32 students, 4 faculty, and 15 members of the Churches of Christ Asokoro and Kado. The crew of the Nigeria Gospel Chariot was around for the Open-Air evangelism in the evening.



The major activities for the campaign were house-to-house preaching and open-air campaign. The house-to-house preaching had over 50 prospects and follow-up. Also, the open-air campaign had one hundred and forty-three (143) participants in attendance, with seven (7) visitors from different denominational churches. Topics such as 'The plan of Salvation,' ‘The Kingdom of God versus the kingdom of men’ and 'Do you understand what you are reading' were discussed during the open-air campaign.


* Two baptisms, namely Bro Moses Segun and Sis Rejoice Simon were recorded during the worship service on Sunday

* Over 30 prospects indicated interest for further Bible study.


* Student's schedules to the new congregation for capacity building.

* Immediate follow-up exercise for prospects.


The seed of the word of God had been sown into the hearts of many through the campaign, and many hearts received but few accepted, and consequently there is the need for follow-up and study time with prospects. The good news about the campaign is that the church has come to stay in the community, and members are ready to share the good news.

We give God the glory for the opportunity to be used for His work and special thanks to the students and faculty of Bear Valley Bible Institute Abuja and the Elders of the Church of Christ, Kado for their support and participation in the open-air campaign.

Posted on December 20, 2019 .