Doing much good in Tamale


We give thanks to God for how far He has brought us; indeed He is the ultimate controller and protector of our lives and the daily activities we offer in His Church. We are very glad and appreciative for the financial support and prayer you offer to the need of Bear valley Bible Institute in Tamale for its survival.


We continue to thank God for the lives of these brothers who have wholeheartedly committed their lives to the course of God. Fourteen have joyfully reported and have spent four weeks remaining two weeks to end the year 2019. They are healthy and sound and the teaching is ongoing with four courses treated remaining two to finish.


The details of classes are as follows: Brother Alex Jabado Nanpari taught “Homiletics 2”, Brother Albert Malir Tamanja taught Book of “Galatians”, Brother James Legend taught “Personal Evangelism” 2 and Brother Kojo Acquah Beenyi taught “the worship of the Church”. Tests and exams were conducted respectively and student performance encouraging.


The administration of the school is making a progress; there is a fluent flow of information between the administration, coordinator and extension director as we gear toward the end of year 2019. The extension director{Steven Ashcraft} our encouragement has being of good help for us, he visited us and encouraged and motivated us to remain committed and hardworking to enable the gospel meet Christ target in the Northern regions. He also updated and corrected us the activities of the school which will ease our work as administrators; he also had a fruitful deliberation with us on how the school in Tamale can create a self-sustainable mechanism to generate internal income to supplement external support. The coordinator Kojo Beenyi is always by our side to monitor the activities of the school so that the image of the school is elevated to exhibit Christ mission.

We are working to ensure that public outreach and personal evangelism becomes our priority to advertise the good work Bear Valley Denver is doing in Africa-Tamale. We would have started last week, but one of our machines developed a mechanical fault, we hope to start this week end. Our effort have yielded a positive result, sister Grace the member of Roman Catholic was happily baptized after the gospel of salvation was taught on Sunday 1st/12/2019 and added to the Church membership.

We have also started campaign for students’ enrollment for 2021 academic year and most of the prospective brothers have been contacted through phone calls when Brother Albert Malir journeyed to Bimbilla-Chamba District. We hope that with God’s help and your support and prayer we shall be through in these fruitful activities we have embarked on.

We are working hard on the irrigation project we have had in the school with the hand pump waiting for mechanization to facilitate the farming work, already we have benefited from this ‘well’ so far, for about two weeks now the city water is not supplying which resulted water crisis in Tamale township, we are relying on the well to bath, drink, wash and irrigate vegetable we farmed. We also wish to send delegates to take part in annual camp that is coming on 19th/12/2019 at Bimbilla-Chamba district so that we can sell the school to enable prospects have access to the admission forms.

We pray that God causes all these proposals come true to push the school to forge ahead in other to achieve its purpose. God will continue to strengthening you and keep you save, happy New Year in advance.

Posted on December 20, 2019 .