Upcoming guests in New Zealand

We look forward to our time with Bill and Pam Stewart from Bear Valley Bible Institute. If the Lord wills, they will arrive on 12 October. They will be teaching a Marriage Enrichment Seminar in Wellington, Bill will be teaching a short course on Revelation in BVBINZ, and Pam will be teaching an Evangelistic Women Seminar in Porirua. All that in seven days!

I just finished putting together my notes and syllabus for my course next month—Life of Christ 2: Sermon on the Mount, Judgment, and Parables.

If the Lord wills, we will be graduating our second class on 1 December. This class consists of one student: Joziah Townsend. We will also be honouring our two new full-time students during the ceremony: Michelle Stretch and Monique Knopert. We hope to graduate them before the end of 2020.

Posted on October 7, 2019 .