Graduation in Malawi


 GRADUATION REPORT – September 2029

 The 2nd graduation exercise of Bear Valley Bible Institute – Malawi was held on the 21st of September, 2019. As we announced last time we have done this exercise while we still have one week to go. We did this to honour our country Director brother Donnie Estep who was with us teaching short-course in Prison epistles. Brother Donnie Estep was our guest of honour and he encouraged the students with the words from 2 Timothy 2:2 and 2 Timothy 4:1-4. This week the students are finishing up their class in Pastoral Epistles then will be freed to go home, after successfully completing their 2 years of study at Bear Valley Bible Institute – Malawi.

Graduation Ceremony

We thank God the Almighty for graciously helping us successfully complete the academic year of 2018-2019. We have trained these men at a period of 2 years and in not less than 1,600hours of teaching them in classes. The ceremony was graced by the presence of three teachers from Mzuzu Bible school, the director from Mzimba school of preaching, the director from Relief and Development Project who offered us their build to use as our office and class room (we rented), the evangelist from the two congregations around Ekwendeni and some from Mzuzu Katoto congregation. The students and we all were also encouraged by the letter which the Director of Mzuzu Bible College Brother Marc Veary and Sister Christine Veary wrote as farewell remarks to the graduating students. Brother Marc and Sister Christine would have attended the ceremony; however some circumstances which happened prior to the day of graduation hindered them. We also had some of our former graduates who witnessed their fellows taking their turn. It was such a colourful event to be remembered by the students.

Please pray for these graduates that they may be obedient to the call of God on their lives and that the Lord God may provide for their families in their daily needs. Also, pray for Bear Valley Bible Institute – Malawi as we continue training Christian men to be faithful ministers in Malawi, possibly even beyond Malawi in the near future – the Lord willing!


Brother Clergynton is in class finalizing his class on Pastoral Epistles before the students goes home after successfully completed their 2 years of study. We have really enjoyed teaching these men for a period of two years. We also would like to thank all those who have helped us teach these men in short-courses classes. God bless you all!

2020-2021 Intake

We are in the process of receiving applications from all over Malawi for our next class of 2020-2021 sessions. We are aiming at accepting 20 students this time. The interviews will be conducted in the third week of October. So far we have more than 42 applications submitted already. The zeal of people to study with Bear Valley Bible Institute – Malawi is very high. Let us join hands to train men to be faithful preachers as we have the opportunity.

Once again, the Lord has been so gracious to us and we pray that He will bless the Bear Valley Bible Institute – International for their great support to the Bear Valley Bible Institute – Malawi both physically and spiritually for better operations of the school. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Yours fellow workers in the Lord,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on October 7, 2019 .