Malawi grads making a difference!

Bear Valley Bible Institute – Ekwendeni (Malawi)

October, 2019 Report


When many people are on holiday’s time after most of their time being busy and tired working, you expect them to have chance to rest during holiday times. This is opposite with our just graduated students as you would imagine. The resting time for our graduates is their busy time. We are very encouraged to hear from them and their different home congregation leaders that the students are busy preaching, teaching, and this is exactly what they are taught to do – 2Timothy 2:2; 2Timothy 4:2. We pray daily for them, that God will bless their families with all what is needed in their lives to keep serving the Lord faithfully –“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose”, Romans 8:28!

Report of baptisms and restoration from our students who graduated last month

Just in a period of about a month now since we had the graduation, a report of 5 baptisms have come from some of our just graduated students. Our brother from Karonga far north has reported more that 20 souls restored.

Kabwafu congregation

We establish this congregation in our last campaign with the students; the church started with 51 members, but now has increased to 57.


This is also one of the congregations we have established this year, and ‘she’ started with 21 members, but now they are 46.

There are also two congregations in the central region in Ntchisi district which one student started in May, 2019 and last week it was reported that souls are still being added to the church. The Lord is working through His servants to win more souls to Himself.

Saliwa Nkosi is one of our first class of 2016/2017 graduates, he is a very dedicated man. He is the one I nick-named him as “weapon of mass destruction” Brother Saliwa Nkosi is very talented as far as the preaching of door to door is concerned. He has lead many souls to Christ.  Within a period of 2yrs he has helped about 110 souls come to Jesus. Chamalaza congregation stopped worshiping for a period of a year as most of the leaders left the country for South Africa to look for greener pasture. But when brother Saliwa went back home in 2017 after he graduated with Bear Valley Bible Institute - Malawi, he helped his home congregation Matindibizi for the whole year of 2018. The number of Christians at Matindibizi was 73 the time he arrived but now the number has increased to 138, praise is to God! This year he has done a lot too by helping us and the students organizing the preaching campaigns, but much more to this, he has helped the Chamalaza church which stopped worshiping get restored. The first time he went to Chamalaza was in April this year, 13 people agreed to be restored. The good news is that the number has increased from 13 to 45 just from April to this day. God is good.

Out of those who graduated from our first class, 5 of them are employed as preachers in the Lord’s church in different places of Malawi. This is encouraging to us as teachers, that the work of Bear Valley School in Malawi is noticed by many but much more, to God!

2020/2021 interviews in progress

Brother Clergynton went to the central region and Southern region respectively to get the prospective students be interviewed. He came back Sunday and expects to finish the interviews here in the Northern region to be conducted on the 26th of this month. We are looking forward to have a big class of 20 students this time. The competition is very high as many application forms, over 50 were submitted but we only need 20. We pray that God will open wider doors in the future to have two classes. First and second year, classes.

We want to thank Bear valley Bible Institute International for their support! Without the support we wouldn’t do anything this much and this far! We are really grateful for all what you do to us to allow this school in Malawi keep advancing. Thank you for your kindness and many prayers. May the Mighty God bless your families; Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Yours truly,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on October 28, 2019 .