Graduation in Tamale

Thanks and praises given to God for taken us through another successful month, our profound gratitude to you all for your prayers and financial support to enable us run the school activities successfully. We are more than prepared to expend our energy and time in the course of God’s kingdom growth and expansion with the bountiful offer you consistently sacrifice.


The school is reopened and all the sixteen students are back from break to continue the academic activities and other activities in the school for the year. This term is a busier term, graduation, preachers and Sunday school teachers’ workshop and other fruitful activities held.


The following courses were treated by Brothers: James Legend Hermeneutics II, Kojo Acquah Beenyi Book of Acts and Campaign, Life of Christ II in session with Albert Malir Tamanja.


We are very excited for the successful operation of the scheduled programs in the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Tamale. The two day Sunday school Teachers’ Workshop 18th -19th 2019, Preachers’ empowerment seminar 20th 2019 and Graduation 21st were successful with the attendance encouraging and the activities involved very vibrant. Sixteen students were successfully graduated with thirteen students given Diploma by Bear Valley Bible Institute, two students received certificate from Tamale Bible Institute and one yet to finish the remaining courses before he is given Diploma by Bear Valley Bible Institute. It is our prayer and hope that God will rally behind these strong men who are ushered into the preaching field to propagate the Gospel.


On the 23rd of September, 2019, a combined team of students made up of Bear Valley, Accra, and Bear Valley, Tamale, under the leadership of lecturers from these two institutions, Brothers Samuel Ntim of Accra and James Legend of Tamale, embarked on a one week long evangelism programme in the Nanumba district of Bimbilla in the Northern Region of Ghana.

Word of Exhortation

Word of exhortation was delivered by our coordinator, Kojo Acquah Beenyi on the day of our departure, he created the awareness that we were engaging ourselves in an invisible war and that we needed to pray fervently and be watchful. Besides, we were going to preach to unbelievers and therefore we needed to set a higher standard indicative of proper Christian and live a life worthy of emulation to those who might decide to follow Christ. It was a solemn moment. We were strengthened with his words of exhortation from Philippians 4:8. We promised to live by these words.

The Teams

The campaign team of 29 students and 2 Instructors was divided into two groups with both contingents leaving the premises of Bear Valley Bible Institute, Tamale at 6:05am to Bincheratanga.

In the first three days of evangelical work at Bincherantanga, a total number of 32 souls were won over to Christ, whiles fifteen (15) were males and seventeen (17) were females.

Journey to Juanayili

We planted two (2) congregations at Juanayili and Binalondo. We did three days of evangelistic works at Juanayili (Sept 26 to 28) and it resulted in 75 baptisms. At Binalondo, a total of nineteen (19) souls were baptized with two (2) restored to the fold. In all, the total souls won for Christ were 130, 128 baptisms and 2 restorations. Restoring the congregation at Bincheratanga and planting two (2) new congregations at Juanayili and Binalondo.


It was a joy to see people passionately come to Christ in their numbers. This also places a great deal of responsibility on us individually and collectively as a School. Much visitation and monitoring will be needed to help strengthen these congregations to be what they should be. We wish to appeal to the School and all who are privileged to read this report to in any way they can help support us visit these congregations consistently.

Once again many regards to God and you for the assistance we get from you to ease the work we are assign to do. May the good Lord bless us all!

Posted on October 28, 2019 .