Evangelism in Kenya

Dear brethren,

This is the students general report of what they did during September holidays when they went back to their local congregations. They had been involved in seminars, gospel meetings evangelistic trips or campaigns as they knocked doors, visit friends and edify the saved and shared the word with the lost. As they did the above activities, they as well distributed Mission Printing materials/tracts, registered W.B.S. students gave out Bibles to those who completed the courses.

They served 36 different local congregations, attended 28 gospel meetings conducted by local preachers and churches, conducted 161 Bible studies and preached 105 sermons. Their efforts had resulted in baptizing 40 souls, restoring 21 backsliders and planted one congregation.

The newly established church is at M.t. Elgon, which had happened as a result of the use of W.B.S. materials which Mosses Simiyu- one of our current students, with the help of his fellows; David Odawa, Atema William and Nicanory Omukunda, has been distributing in his area of Bungoma county. David Wasonga had visited and worshiped with the newly established church and has reported that the region is a fertile one and that efforts should be directed to that region. Wasonga David proposes that if we can send preacher students there would be helpful.

With the help of Mission Printing booklets, doors have been opened for the gospel and, Nixon Ochieng- our W.B.S. instructor, goes once every month to meet, teach, evangelize and answer Bible questions which the W.B.S. students ask. He as well distributes Bibles to those who have completed the courses. This month, he went and met with the Chwele congregation and many others from denominations around there. Now, Nixon has marked and graded at least 250 filled W.B.S. booklets.

Local church preachers still come to pick Mission Printing Materials. Below are pictures of Chwele congregation with Nixon and students distributing WBS materials and Bibles and a brother sent by Nandama to pick 30 boxes of Mission Printing materials in a truck.

Thanks for your prayers and contributions, may the Lord bless you abundantly!

Posted on October 28, 2019 .