Classes and campaigns in Myanmar

We had a great study for five weeks from March 19 to April 20 2018. The first two weeks were taught by Dr. Steve Christian from Double Springs, Al. The church of the Bible and The Life of Christ (four gospels). The third and fourth weeks were taught by Jerry Bates, Church planting and the book of Acts. The fifth week was taught by Jon Lucius from AL, the Godhead. The students took as much advantage of the knowledge of the teachers as possible and busy with paper work and tests. I keep all the records.

After the five weeks school, six of BV students went with me to Kalay for one week Youth Camp. Seven precious souls obeyed the gospel during our Youth Camp.  After the Youth Camp, we visited four villages and conducted Bible campaigns in Chin state. One precious soul was baptized in Khawdar village.

The forth village that we visited was a new place for the NT church. They never heard of the church of Christ and the NT teaching about salvation and worship. We had a great discussion with many individuals and one lady was baptized after we left. We need to visit that village again and do more Bible teaching in the future. The students also distributed correspondence course to many villages and later they collect and graded them. This tool gives the students to do personal evangelism which we planned to continue. The other three students will do the campaigns at their places. 

My heartfelt thanks and appreciation to everyone who make possible for BVBI-M. I hope and pray that this school will help the church in Myanmar to grow and strengthen. 

Yours in His service


Posted on May 29, 2018 .