A new congregation in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon , we are doing better in Wotutu even though some other areas of our country is not in peace , by His grace we are enjoying peace and safety .Hope you are doing great and we keep you in our prayers. Please pray for us .

Students in our Bible college are doing fine even though some of them are sick, but is normal as long as we are in the flesh we can get sick. Keep praying for us as we are our best to transplant the message from the Bible to them, preparing them for full time ministry. The students are excited to prepare for the full time work in His vine yard as they are moving gradually to the graduation which comes up in December 11 & 12 2018 marking the 4th batch of graduates .

This weekend we were in Idenau which is located at the west coast of Cameroon. There we established a new congregation, so this weekend was the time for us to go there for mass evangelism and it was great that we came as many of the inhabitants are very receptive to open their doors and listen to the word .

We started with house to house evangelism with lots of our mission printing tracts. A lady stopped brother Peter to read from his Bible and said "I want to read from my own Bible, just keep preaching and quoting so that I verify from MY OWN BIBLE." That was good we were happy because she was surprised with seeing the truth for the first time in her own Bible and she said or what will man do now ? I was born in this denomination?

Our students, met people in their farms working they stopped and listen and happily received a tract from our students alongside mobile numbers which they will call for more clarifications , many thanks to mission printing for this great assistance in our evangelistic efforts.

We shall attend the Kumbo scholarship lectureship were I will speak on Thursday about the importance of salt in the Bible. Pleas keep our trip in your prayers and that God should give me utterance to speak and help a soul be strong for His work.

We shall welcome our Coordinator David Ballard and deacon Jonathan to Cameroon this week as they are coming to invest their time into the work to train men and to raise Orphans in a Christian family setting.

God bless you and keep you strong, thanks very much for all your love and deep concern towards this work, I doubt if you were not there how this work would have been possible .Share our reports with others.

     God bless you and keep you strong.

     Elangwe and Family

    By His grace director BVBIC-wotutu

Posted on May 29, 2018 .