Continued progress in Cambodia

Warm greetings from Cambodia and the International Bible Institute of Siem Reap!

Our first trimester of IBISR's academic year ended on the 4th of November, 2018. Piseth Rin is one of our instructors and his course was about on Scheme of Redemption

Vannak Yeng is also one of our instructors and his course was about (How to study the Bible). We're having a break this week and we will resume on the 12th of November, 2018. 


On the 8th - 14th of October, there was a public holiday in Cambodia called (Pchum Ben festival). We were closed for that week. When the students returned we allowed them to share their experiences and how they felt between Christian and the people in their hometowns during that time. We truly received a lot of feedback about how our students had changed for the better, since having participated in the Bible school. 


Thanks to Wes Autrey our coordinator for regularly staying in touch with us. Especially, as we are studying during our chapel times on Friday mornings via Skype. It was very helpful for our school because of the experienced teachers from overseas sharing Gods words with us. It has improved our understanding and relationship with God and one another. Our new students were very impressed with all of the efforts to help them in understanding, even we were far away from each other. 


We are preparing for our annual Christian camp in Kampong Speu. We are exceedingly happy with the support help in getting some money to pay for the camp fees. If not for the support we could not take many people who want to learn about God in a friendly environment and influence them in a positive and spiritual way.  When we posted the camp logo on the messenger group, they were impressed and loved it so much

Last but not least, we would like to thanks for your support and kindness in helping out with the all of work in Cambodia. Without your help, we couldn't do all things. But we also surely know that God is the best one who made it happen.

God Bless His children,

Servants of Christ, 

Piseth Rin - Co Director

Pros Rok - Staff

Posted on November 24, 2018 .