A good harvest in Tamale



We once again thank almighty God for His protection and guidance throughout the term. For we know that we won’t be able to make it this far without your prayer and support, may the good Lord replenish you all for your brotherly concern for His work in Tamale, Ghana.

                                                    STUDENTS ON VACATION

Here comes yet another successful end of the term (seventh term). All the students went back home for three weeks break to visit their families and churches so they can keep their members active in the church activities and also attend to their farming activities. The students will be coming back on November 11th 2018 to continue their academic activities and it’s our prayer and hope that God keep all of them safe in their daily activities while they are away from school.


The last two courses for the last term were prison epistles and Hermeneutics and were dealt with by brothers Adjei Mensah and James Legend. Class work and all exams conducted and students’ performance were encouraging.

                                                     ADMINISTRATIVE WORK

We are working closely to improve the image of the school in Tamale, our efforts concerning new recruitment for next academic year has yielded positive results.  Twelve legitimate prospective students have submitted their admission forms and we want to believe that we shall obtain require target of twenty students for the school for next academic year 2019.


Church of Christ women in the three northern regions conducted marriage seminar and it was held at Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies facilities from 25th October 2018- 28th October 2018.

The participants arrived on 25th October 2018 and on that same day evening the program opened with songs and prayers and introduction was also made, and the next day Friday was used for fasting and prayers alongside with teaching. There was an intensive teaching and learning the next day and even in the night and series of questions concerning marriage were asked and properly addressed.

The fourth day Sunday was a fantastic Lord’s Day: East, West and T poly Churches of Christ attended and worshipped at Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies. Brother Nipak Laar from Saboba led in Bible studies, brother Andrews from Yendi led in sermon and brother Dasah from Tamale East Church of Christ led in the Lord Supper and giving. Attendance was three hundred and fifty six (356) and the giving was one thousand nine hundred and sixty eight Ghana cedis (¢1968.00) about $410.00

All the participants departed to their various homes after the worship except those from Kumasi and Accra who left the next day and have all arrived home safely.

                                        SCHOOL FARM

The school farm (maize) has been harvested and threshed, and God has blessed us with ten bags (10) of maize. The Thresher man took one bag as workmanship and one bag also shared among staff, security and students and left with eight bags (8).

From the staff in Tamale, Ghana

Posted on November 24, 2018 .