78 baptisms in Liberia!

Dear Brethren,

We bring you greetings from the Bear Valley Bible Institute- Liberia, hoping all is well with you and your family.We are all doing very well here and grateful to God our merciful father for everything.


What more can we say after this campaign, than to thank God and give Him all the glory, praise and honor for the increase He gave (I Cor.3:6) through the campaign team. We spent twelve (12) days in three different towns on our usual house to house evangelism and public preaching and the results were very overwhelming. Sixty six (66) people accepted the gospel message and were baptized into Christ. Meanwhile, it is truly a blessing and great privilege to be part of a team that is willing to go all out with the saving message of our Lord.


The students are now on vacation and report from their various locations proves that they are all doing very well. They are all  working actively with their local congregations in teachings and preaching and carrying out more house to house evangelism. And their efforts has already resulted in twelve (12) new baptism and some restoration of falling members.


We first of all want to thank Brother Steven Ashcraft who raised the extra funds for us to have more than one campaign in this quarter. we also extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the Bear Valley family for their support for the school here.Many thanks to all of you for your continue services in the Lord. May God richly bless you.

In him,

Robert P. Dahn Jr.

Posted on August 7, 2017 .