Visiting graduates in Ghana


As it has been the custom of the school to visit and see the work of the past students and also give them some encouragement to work in good spirit, we went round to some places to see where and how our students live and also their work with the Churches.


Wiaga: On the 31st May we went to Wiaga in Sandima area to visit Elijah who is one of our past student. In the evening we had fellowship with the congregation and took the advantage to discuss with them the responsibility to take care of the preacher while he works with the Church. In fact the discussion went down well with all of us.

Sumbrugu: On the 1st June in the next morning we saw Elijah off and came down to Sumbrugu in Bolgatanga area to visit Jacob Awuntoya another past student of the school and also to see the work he is doing for the Lord. We found out that Jacob was doing a good job for the Church and the members also were responding to his needs according to their strength.

Tongo: On our way from Sumbrugu to Tamale, we stopped at Tongo to see Listowel. Listowel was among the first butch of students of the school but he later left the course uncompleted. The Tongo preacher recommended him as a hard working brother when it comes to Church work and for that matter he made him to handle a congregation with the little training he had from the school. So we encourage him to come back to continue and complete the course. Thank God the preacher is behind him to come and continue the course.


Kanimoni: On the 2nd June we continued with our trip to Kanimoni in Yendi area where Anthony one of our past students is working. We had a warm fellowship with the entire congregation and that gave us the opportunity to discuss with the congregation their responsibility to support the preacher to be able to work effectively and on their part they promised to do so henceforth.

On our departure, they gave us a big chicken to show their gratitude for visiting them. Having many days ahead of us to go, we gave the chicken to Anthony for their use.

Yendi : From Kanimoni we came down to Yendi  to console the family of the late brother Fushieni. He was one of the Board members of the school. In our interaction with the widow we realized that life was unbearable for her and their three kids and on behave of the school we offered five hundred Ghana Cedis to help with their upkeep.

Nakpache: After Yendi we moved toward Nakpache to visit Abukar. Abukar is our past student working with the Church in Nakpache. We held the Bible Class with the Church and had fellowship with them just as we did to other Churches visited before; during which we made it known to them that it is their responsibility to support the preacher to be able to work. Thank God the preacher himself confirmed that the Church is supporting him within their ability.

Chamba: Having left Nakpache we came to lodge in Bimbilla and continued with our tip to meet Albert in Chamba the next day on the 3rd June 2017.

The Church in Chamba received us with much love and we all interacted together in the matters of building the strong Church in Chamba and the Northern Ghana as a whole. Albert is a hard working preacher in the Lord’s work in Chamba.

Nakpa: On the 4th June we made our final visit to Nakpa and had our Sunday worship with the Church there where another past student Lot Nlakidi is working. We had the Sunday Bible class with them by Brother Francis and the sermon by Brother Alex. It was very good fellowship.

Having brought our visitation trip to an end at Nakpa, Brother Steven Ashcraft moved toward Southern Ghana for a planned evangelism, Brother Francis also went back to Accra, and Brother Alex remained in the North.

All the past students visited are hard working in their various communities to win souls for Christ. We thank God our labour is bearing fruit.

New Enrollment: We are still campaigning for more students to bring a great change that will take the school to a new level. This month we registered three more students who are ready to come to school on July 10th. Joel is coming from Kpandai, Abraham from Zabzugu, and Timothy from Bolgatanga but lives in Techiman. We will continue to enroll to the end of July 2017.


In Him,

Alex Jabado

Tamale, Ghana

Posted on July 12, 2017 .