Posts tagged #Ghana

West Coast students preach the word



On 7nd June, we had the first of the two termly fasting and prayers sections. Studies continued uninterrupted for the full-time students in the month of June. We are very happy to inform you that we have enrolled three new students – two as full-time students and one as a part- time student. 

New courses were started for the part-time students in the month. These courses were: the Biblical doctrine of Godhead, the book of Revelation and Biblical counselling. The courses are taught by Joshua Aidoo, Nathaniel Brobbey and Samuel Owusu-Afari.


The Lord’s work in the area of evangelism is still going on. Our current and past students continue to preach the word of God through social and traditional media. Two of our instructors were invited to speak on two different facebook platforms. Douglas Armah was invited by one of our immediate past students to speak on the issue of amenability of sinners to the law of Christ and Joshua Aidoo also spoke on the topic – a letter to the 8th church (as in reference to what would Jesus tell His church in the 21st century if he was to write a letter to us). The school continues to preach the undiluted gospel on one of the nation’s television stations (Truth TV) which is watched by thousands of homes both believers and unbelievers. In response to that, we receive a lot of phone calls during the week, especially, from those not members of the church to ask questions about what we preach on the television. This program is aired on Saturday morning and repeated on Tuesday evening.

Personal evangelisms were also done by our students. And about five (5) souls were won for Christ.


The school vehicle successfully landed on campus in the month. There was excitement on campus that day. The joy of the staff and students could not be contained.           

Prayers were said to thank God for the successful arrival and future use of the car and also for our sponsors. 

Thank you for your support.


Posted on July 15, 2024 .

New congregation planted in Kasoa, Ghana

Southern Institute of Biblical Studies

 Report – June 2024

As we reflect on June 2024, we are grateful for the continued guidance and blessings from the Lord. Here are the key activities and achievements of the month:

Class Activities

1. Teaching Highlights

   - Bro E.O. Larbi delivered insightful lessons on the Godhead, enriching our student’s understanding of this profound theological concept.

   - Bro Amoo Gyima taught Christian Evidence, equipping students with the knowledge and tools to defend their faith effectively.

2. Campaign at Oklu Nkwanta, Kasoa:

   - Led by one of our dedicated Papaase students who graduated last year, this campaign focused on house-to-house evangelism.

   - Although no baptisms were recorded, the campaign successfully established a new church with 22 members (i.e. Christians living in the area and some restalled members). The 1st worship attendance were Adult – 29; Children 14.

   - Twenty men participated in the program, demonstrating strong community engagement and support.

Ongoing Initiatives

-       Radio Programmes: Our radio outreach continues to be a vital tool for spreading the gospel and addressing counseling issues. We have received positive feedback from listeners and are committed to expanding our reach.

Vacation Period

-       The school vacated on June 23rd following the campaign. Classes will resume on July 14th for the new quarter. This break provides an opportunity for rest and preparation for the upcoming academic activities.

Next Activities

- We are planning follow-up activities for the newly established church in Kasoa to ensure its growth and stability.

- Preparations for the new quarter are underway, with a focus on enhancing our curriculum and student engagement.

We are thankful for the support and prayers from our community, partners, and friends. Your contributions are invaluable to our mission. May the Lord continue to bless our efforts as we strive to serve Him faithfully.

Report by E. O. Larbi

Posted on July 9, 2024 .

Students near graduation in Kumasi, Ghana




Our deepest appreciation goes to the Almighty Father for bringing us to the second quarter of the year peaceably. The Kumasi campus also acknowledge the wonderful support from the Bear Valley Bible Institute in this quarter as well.


·     Four (4) ongoing courses (Life of Christ III, Old Testament History, Life of Christ IV and II Corinthians)

·     Weekly Sermons at Kentinkrono Church of Christ


·     A Newly establish Church at Kentinkrono

·     2 Baptisms recorded

·     5 Pioneer students about to graduate

·     40 Courses completed out of 48 courses for the First Batch Students


·        Vacation of the Tertiary Students reduces attendance

·        Another set of Eleven (11) classroom chairs needed for the students.

·        A suitable learning environment

·        A support for the kitchen staff.

Posted on July 9, 2024 .

Students helping local congregations in Nsawam, Ghana




Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. The following were our activities for the second quarter of 2024.

Classroom Activities

There were three courses offered this quarter; Personal Evangelism 1 and Romans both taught by Emmanuel Aidoo and Old Testament 1, taught by Emmanuel Odeng Larbi.

Evangelism and Church Planting

Preparations are still ongoing to ensure that our campus plants a church at Akotoshie in Accra this year God willing. We hope we will have planted the church by the end of the third quarter.

Impact on Congregations

Our students continue to teach and preach in their local congregations and make a massive impact. What we hear of our current students is nothing but praise. This certainly is due to the sound teaching our students receive at the feet of our instructors. Long may this continue.

Student Profile

Brother James Agboadah is the student we are focusing on for this quarter. He was baptized in 1996 at Asamankese in the Eastern region of Ghana. Presently, he attends the Nsumia church of Christ where he is a regular Bible teacher. He works as a company driver and is also a trained electrician. He is very vocal in his praise of the school and says that the school has helped him grow greatly in knowledge. God willing, when we plant the new congregation at Akotoshie, he will serve as the preacher of the church plant. We are happy to have him with us.


We are grateful for Bear Valley’s assistance during this quarter. We pray for God’s blessings in this regard. And brethren, please continue to pray for us.

Posted on July 9, 2024 .

More baptisms in Suyani, Ghana



(April - June) 2024


We extend our gratitude to God Almighty for His traveling mercies throughout this period and for bringing us to the conclusion of the second quarter of 2024.



All instructors and students demonstrated punctuality in attending classes and participating in all activities during the fourth quarter of 2023 at the Sunyani Campus.


As scheduled, the quarter commenced with teachings on pastoral epistles in April. In May, we focused on church planting and missions, and in June, we concluded with the preacher and his work.


Due to the combined efforts of staff and students, six individuals were baptized, and approximately four backsliders were restored.


In an effort to enhance our knowledge and skills in church leadership, students and staff were encouraged to participate in the leadership workshop held in Sunyani. This event took place on May 25, 2024, and saw the participation of approximately 400 preachers and church leaders from Bono East, Bono Region, Ahafo Region, and beyond.


As previously mentioned in the quarterly report, the fourth graduation ceremony of our campus is scheduled for Sunday, July 28, 2024, with nine (9) students set to graduate.


We are pleased to introduce Mr. Kusi Dwamena, the youngest member of this year's graduating class. Mr. Dwamena will turn 37 years old on November 4, 2024. He hails from Goaso, the capital of the Ahafo region. He completed his high school education in the Ashanti region and pursued tertiary education at the University of Cape Coast (UCC). Currently, Mr. Kusi is employed as a laboratory technician at The Providence Health Center. He recently married Helena Addai, who is also from the Goaso Church of Christ. Mr. Kusi Dwamena expresses his gratitude to God for the support and knowledge he has received from the management of Bear Valley through this program.


We are grateful to The Almighty God for bringing us to the end of the quarter successfully. We pray that the coming years would be fruitful so that we work steadfastly towards building the kingdom of God

Posted on July 9, 2024 .

Koforidua, Ghana school adds new students


Second Quarter 2024


Hello fellow workers in the Lord’s vineyard. We are grateful to the Almighty God for seeing us through another quarter of service in His Kingdom.


Thanks be to God for the school had nine students graduate in the school graduation at Doboro last April, with two new students;  Daniel Ofori and Padi Simon Narteh. The students now left are 12. We continue to advertise for more students.

We have four of them currently working with nearby congregations. Two of them are working permanently with the congregations they are working with. Others are working with the local congregation in teaching and preaching and serving in other areas they are called to serve.


We had three courses taught. In April, Bro Wisdom Yirenkyi taught the Cost of Discipleship. In May, Bro Paul Larbi Young taught, How we got the Bible. In June, Bro Amoo – Gyimah was supposed to have been the instructor but because he was assigned to teach in one of the schools, Bro Paul Larbi Young took over the class and taught Old Testament 1 (Pentateuch).


We are going to have our yearly public preaching from 27th to 31st August, 2024 Lord’s willing. We pray that the good Lord will give us good weather to enable us to preach.


We are very grateful for the Lessons on the Library that could be copied.  Most of the students have copied them for use.


We pray the good Lord will continue to bless our supporters and the school as a whole so that through our effort many will be brought into the knowledge of our saviour Jesus Christ for salvation.

Reported by Gyan – Mante.

Posted on July 9, 2024 .

Ashtown, Ghana evangelizes their area


Second Quarter Report 2024


We offer our sincere appreciation to the Almighty God for His divine guidance throughout this quarter. The following report delineates the salient events, accomplishments, and highlights of Bear Valley Bible Institute, situated in Ashtown, Kasoa, Ghana, for the second quarter of 2024.


During this quarter, three courses were delivered, with Emmanuel Larbi being the instructor. The courses were the Book of Hebrews, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, and the Book of James. Fourteen students engaged actively in these enriching courses, acquiring a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Graduation Ceremony

The school had the privilege of attending the 6th Graduation Ceremony at Bear Valley Bible Institute, Accra on April 20, 2024. The ceremony featured Brother Keith Kasarjian, Director for International Schools, as the guest speaker. His insightful address undoubtedly left a lasting impact on the graduates. The event marked a significant milestone for the institute, celebrating the achievements of its students.

Director visits to Church of Christ in Pious, Ofankor – Kasoa

On June 16, 2024, the Director visited the Church of Christ in Pious, Ofankor-Kasoa, where Brother Isaac Ekow Arthur (student) , serves as the Preacher. I was pleased to see the congregation thriving, with an average attendance of 55, including 30 baptized members. Bro Isaac Arthur led the Bible class that day and I had the opportunity to exhort the brethren. It was heartening to see Brother Isaac working harmoniously with other brethren towards the growth of the Lord's church. We pray that Almighty God continues to empower him with strength and wisdom to fulfill His work.

News on Adom Estate Church of Christ, Kasoa

During this quarter, the Director visited the Adom Estate church to assess its progress. The congregation has grown to 95 members, with 65 of them being baptized. The average attendance of baptized members stands at 50. Encouragingly, the church leaders have implemented visitation programs aimed at re-engaging inactive members. These efforts have led to a renewed interest in the church, with members showing a keen desire to learn more. Sadly, the church recently mourned the loss of Bro Nicholas Tsitsi, a dedicated leader and pioneer who played a significant role in the church's establishment. May his soul rest in peace until we meet again.


On June 22, 2024, our students were privileged to attend a seminar hosted by Ashtown Church of Christ, featuring Brother Charles Nii Odotei Odoi as the guest speaker. The thought-provoking topic, "Building Leadership Capacity for the Lord's Church," resonated deeply with our students, who gained valuable insights and knowledge to enhance their leadership skills. This enriching  experience equipped them with practical tools to effectively serve and lead in their respective congregations, furthering the growth and prosperity of the Lord's church.


Rejoice with us as we celebrate the fruit of our students' labour! Through their dedicated efforts, four precious souls have been added to the Lord's church through baptism. This milestone is a testament to the impact of our students' tireless work in sharing the Gospel and nurturing individuals in their faith. We praise God for these new additions to the body of Christ and continue to pray for their spiritual growth and development.

Student Profile

Our student spotlight for this quarter shines on Brother Anthony Kwesi Eshun, a dedicated member of the Church of Christ for 20 years. At 42, he's a devoted husband and father of two lovely daughters. As a skilled plumber, he serves his community with excellence. Moreover, he's a vital part of the Church of Christ, Adom Estate in Kasoa, where he fulfills the roles of secretary and Bible teacher. Since joining Bear Valley School, Brother Tony has experienced significant growth in sermon preparation and has been inspired to deepen his studies, further equipping him to serve the Lord effectively. We're proud of his commitment to his faith and his community!


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the leadership of Bear Valley Bible Institute, USA, and the entire brotherhood for their unwavering support and guidance. Your generosity and encouragement have been invaluable to our school, and we are deeply thankful for your investment in our mission. May God abundantly bless and replenish you, returning exceedingly more than you have sown, as you continue to nurture the growth of His kingdom.

Posted on July 8, 2024 .

Work continues in Ghana




Regular students reported to school from vacation on 6th may. On the 7th, which was a Tuesday, classes begun. They started a short course on Pastoral Epistles, this course was taught by Nathaniel Brobbey. The course was completed on Thursday and the students wrote examination on Friday.  

On Monday ,13th May, the students started another short course on Epistles to the Thessalonians. The course was taught by Douglas Armah and was completed on Thursday. The students wrote examination on Friday.   

These two short courses were courses from last term.

Academic work for second term begun on Tuesday, 21st May. This term, students are studying courses such as Congregational Development, Marriage and Family Life, Logic and the Bible, Life of Christ (John), and books of Hebrew and Galatians.

Part-time students wrote exams for the three courses they had just studied, these courses were Denominational Doctrines, World Religions and Epistles of John and Jude.

As part of their assessment on denominational doctrines, students were given certain topics to research and present. Instructors and Regular students were invited to witness the presentations, to ask questions and make input. It was a great program.  


The work of evangelism is always happening. This month, there were several evangelistic efforts by current and past students of the school. This month’s efforts were mainly house-to-house or personal evangelism, and the Lord blessed our labor with some baptisms.

Thank you.


Posted on July 8, 2024 .

Accra students conduct follow up campaign

Monthly Report - May 2024

Southern Institute of Biblical Studies

As we conclude the month of May 2024, we reflect on the activities that have shaped our institution and propelled us forward. Here are the highlights of our endeavors:

Class Activities

1. Staff Meeting: Following the successful graduation and matriculation ceremonies, our staff convened to assess the outcomes and plan for the future. We celebrated the achievements of our students and discussed ways to enhance their learning experience. The camaraderie among our faculty members continues to foster a positive environment.

2. New Greek Instructor: We welcome Samuel Papa Woode as our new Greek instructor. His expertise will undoubtedly enrich our students' understanding of biblical languages. We look forward to his contributions in equipping our learners for effective ministry.

3. Campaign for New Students: Our commitment to growth extends beyond the classroom. We have initiated a campaign to attract new students to our institution. Through targeted outreach and personal invitations, we aim to expand our student body and impact more lives.

4. Upcoming Campaigns:

 Follow-up at Paanor: Building on our recent gospel campaign, we will diligently follow up with those who expressed interest. Personal connections and nurturing relationships are essential in guiding souls toward Christ.

 Church Planting at Kasoa: Our next endeavor involves planting a church in Kasoa. We recognize the importance of establishing vibrant congregations that serve as beacons of hope in their communities.

Fundraising and Community Support

Our recent graduation and matriculation ceremonies were joyous occasions and opportunities to raise funds. The generosity of our community members and supporters has been heartwarming. These funds will contribute to scholarships, infrastructure development, and outreach programs.

We remain grateful for our partners, alumni, and friends' prayers, encouragement, and financial contributions. May the Lord bless our endeavors as we strive to fulfill our mission.

 By E.O. Larbi

Posted on July 8, 2024 .

Cape Coast school finishes first two years



JUNE 2024

The Bear Valley Bible School in Cape Coast has successfully completed two calendar years. We are currently in our third year by the gracious mercies of God. The first set of students who were admitted have been ushered into what is hopefully their final years of studies if all things go according to plan. It has really been an exciting period of studies in the last two years, and it just keeps getting better. 


The Cape Coast Study Center is arguably one of the best Bible School outlets in the region. It is expected to make serious inroads in the country by the time people start seeing and hearing our graduates preach and teach in the various congregations. Starting with just a little over ten students in February of the year 2022, the school keeps on attracting students from across the region. As at the end of the last quarter, our numbers stood at 38. Some of the students are not regular at school due to their work schedule and family and social commitments. 


One of our students transferred to main study center in Accra. This reduced our numbers by one at the beginning of the second quarter. However, due to constant advertisement and announcements at various church programs (funeral, wedding, naming ceremonies, etc), we had a new student joining our ranks. Our number has thus been restored to 38, just like how the year started for us. The improvement in our student’s enrollment is a testimony to the good works we are putting in here as we keep attracting interest and attention of the people of the central region. Brethren from all around the region keep calling to make inquiries about our programs and activities. And for this we have our students to thank for, as they have proven to be very good ambassadors to the school and the Bear Valley name.  


During the first quarter we received laptops and routers as portable library resource for us to use as a school. It has proven to be very effective and an efficient tool. The portable library has expanded students access to wider reading materials and now we are able to do comprehensive exegesis of issues with a lot of references. 


As at the end of the June, the second quarter of the year 2024, we have successfully completed the following courses: OLD TESTATMENT HISTORY 2, HERMENUETICS 2, AND CHRISTIAN EVIDENCE.

We hope to continue with: THE WISDOM BOOKS, THE GODHEAD AND HOMILETICS 2 in the next quarter.   


Our planned evangelism could not come off as a result of the late release of funds. The financial support came in at the death end of the first quarter when logistics for the program had not been procured. The situation also coincided with the onset of the heavy rainfall season that is still happening. The Director then met the students on the way forward about the evangelism. After the meeting, the school took a decision to wait until the rains are over before embarking on the evangelism drive so that we do not waste scare financial resources. As a school, we are now hoping to embark on this outreach in the month of August when the rains will hopefully be over.


We are definitely on course to completing our program on schedule. Students have come to understand and appreciate that regular meetings are the only panacea to achieving this. We also a have group of committed teachers and instructors who are always ready to give off their best in all situations. 

We also plan to keep on visiting the local congregations of students on specific dates to help revive and encourage the local and rural churches. As has been a great time as we go on such visits. 

Posted on July 8, 2024 .

Updates from Tamale, Ghana



It is a great blessing to be given the privilege to give account or report on events or activities that one has taken which concerns others. We are grateful once again to briefly report on the things that happened in Bear Valley Tamale in the month of April, 2024. April has been a good month just like all the past months, though students were on break.


Painting work and writing the school name on the front view of the gate was successfully completed. Funds were released in the month of March; work started, and got completed in the month of April. Some two trips of gravel were also purchased to fill some portion of the front to make it level. More filling work needs to be done to add some bit of beauty to the entrance of the school. We need to consider as and when we are able, a continued painting of the eternal part of the fence wall. We will also need to do a lot of filling work, both outside and inside to put our compound and environment in a more presentable way.

As the rains have started, we intend to purchase good flowers to beautify and demarcate the school garden from the compound. It is our desire to do our best to make the environment of the school attractive and of a certain good standard. We wish to thank our Coordinators, Kojo and Steven and Mama Karen as well for encouraging and inspiring us to raise the standard of our environment. God bless you.

Brother Kojo in particular was in Tamale in the month of April purposely to address the issue of our environment and the need for us to keep it clean and healthy.


1 Timothy “But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” To fulfill this command, hard work and wise investment and good decision making is necessary. Some of the resident staff are raising pigs and fowls by the fence wall, distance from the school compound to support the upkeep of our families and our Christian responsibilities. It is a great blessing serving the Lord through Bear Valley. Brother Kojo supported some of us with a very good brahma breed of fowls, which will help better our lives. We thank the Lord for his life.


We purchased a new battery, a diesel pump router, and a starter for the school bus in the month of April. It was very important to replace them because we were to embark on a journey to Ivory Coast for an evangelistic campaign with the bus.

For the same reason and other evangelistic activities that were ongoing, we had to also purchase a new amplifier for smooth evangelistic work. Our amplifier got spoiled, we got it fixed, and it broke down again and we were advised by the repairer to get a bit higher one. He said, our speakers were stronger than the amplifier. We were in an evangelistic campaign in Tamale town, this called for the need for us to quickly arrange for a new amplifier to help the situation. Since the purchase of the new amplifier, our sound system performs much better than before.  


Evangelism: The Kpalsi South congregation together with the Tamale evangelistic team jointly embarked on an evangelistic campaign in the Kpalsi community in an effort to reach out to our neighborhood. Both public preaching and door to door studies were done, and it was very promising. The public preaching was done right in front of the church auditorium. Two souls were added to the Church at the end of the program.

Benevolence: As part of the church’s activities and duty, and as a strategy in preaching Christ to the lost, the church embarked on a benevolent journey to a needy organization. We visited social welfare, to support some disabled babies. We also identified a blind man who had learned a trade but needed some little capital to start, and supported him. We are following up on him with the hope of converting him. It is our hope that all the activities we are engaging in will aid us to preach Christ to the lost.

Brother Jacob and his wife visit: Brother Jacob Yeboah and his newly weeded wife visited the Kpalsi South congregation in the month of April to show appreciation to the church for our participation in their wedding ceremony. His wife and he were so happy to be with us.


We harvested a great deal of onions from our school garden. The onions cultivated in the dry season didn’t disappoint us at all. We bless God for blessing our work. We wish to use some to complement the feeding, while some will be sold to offload part of the bills of the irrigating materials. Onions have no price this year, it is our hope all these efforts would be profitable for the school in the very near future.

 Praise the Lord.

Thank you,

Bear Valley Tamale

Posted on June 5, 2024 .

Evangelistic Efforts by Students in Takoradi, Ghana

OPERATIONAL REPORT APRIL 2024                                   


Regular students wrote their end of term examination in the first week of April. On the academic calendar, the next two weeks after the examination were for two short courses. A week each for the two. These short courses were Pastoral epistle (I & II Timothy and Titus) and I & II Thessalonians.

We had to postpone these courses to the first and second weeks of the new academic term because the church of Christ at Effikuma invited the school for a week-long evangelism. This invitation coincided with the first week of the short course and we could not decline the invitation because of the congregation’s relationship with the school over the years.

Furthermore, the students complained of fatigue after the evangelism at Beposo, so the faculty thought it wise to give them an early recess after the Effikuma evangelism.

The students therefore vacated for the first term of their second year on the 12th day of April, 2024 and are expected to be back on the 6th day of May, 2024, for the short courses.

Academic work for part-time students continued in the month of April. They are still studying three courses. These courses are world religions, denominational doctrines, and epistles of John and Jude.

On the 19th and 20th days of the month, there were no classes because the school was invited to a graduation ceremony in Accra by the Bear Valley extension school there. The part-time students together with the instructors travelled to Accra to represent West Coast School of Preaching. 


As indicated earlier, the regular students were invited by the Lord’s church at Efia-kuma to help spread the gospel. This invitation was gladly accepted and our current students as well as some of our old students joined forces to make this program successful. At the end of the five days’ evangelism, the church at Efia-kuma helped plant a new church in a community called Efia.

There were other evangelistic efforts by our students; past and current, to propagate the seed of the kingdom. One of our last graduating students organized a week-long campaign for Christ where he invited several of our old students. By the end of the week, many got to hear about the Lord, His grace, and His Kingdom. God blessed their efforts with some baptisms.

Also, two members of the school (an instructor and a student) were invited for an evangelism outreach in some communities which led to the planting of a new congregation of the Lord’s church. In short, we had fourteen (14) baptisms in the month of April.

Thank you.


Posted on June 4, 2024 .

Successful in Takoradi, Ghana

Dear Brethren,

This is our report for the month of March.



In the first week of the month of March, all the courses were completed for the term. The students are left with short courses. There were no classroom activities for the second week because the school was on field for the campaign for Christ.

The students, the cooks, and the instructors were given the third week to rest after a hectic week on the field spreading the good news of salvation.

The last week of March was a revision week for the students to prepare for the end of term examination.

Short courses postponed: According to our time table, the regular students were to be taken through short courses between April 8 and 19, and then immediately after that break for vacation. But the school received an invitation from the congregation at Efia-Kuma requesting for our students in a 4-day house to house and public evangelism. We therefore decided to postpone the short courses to give way for the evangelism program.

Classes for the part-time students continued to be effective for most part of the month. The only break they had was the Friday and Saturday when we were out for the campaign for Christ. Some of them partook in the evangelism.

Classes resumed for the last two weekends of the month. Three instructors are currently teaching during the weekends. Douglas Armah is teaching the epistles of John and Jude on Fridays, Nathaniel Brobbey is teaching Denominational doctrines on Saturday mornings, and Samuel Owusu-Afari teaches world religions in the afternoon.


In the month of March, the school had its campaign for Christ for the term. We have been getting a lot of requests from Churches all over to help them in their evangelism programs. Currently, the school officially goes out on an evangelism trip once a term. There are a lot of individuals and churches who have brought their request to the school. One of such requests came to us from one of our old students. He wanted the school to help him evangelize a town called Beposo, to plant the Lord’s church there, though there are some Christians who move from there to worship at a nearby town. This town is a big commercial town which did not have the Lord’s church. We were very happy to help in such a work, so we made preparations and on the 11th of March, around 12:30 p.m. we left campus to the place.

The town is about 30 – 40 minutes from the school, but because of transportation cost and other conditions, we rented a guest house there to make the work more effective.

The team for the evangelism included the instructors, the cooks, the nine regular students, four part-time students and twenty-two old students.

The campaign for Christ was very successful, as many got to hear the undiluted truth for the first time through personal work and public preaching. Overall, there were seven (7) baptisms, two in the course of the week and the other five visited the church on its first worship day in the town and got baptized after worship. The number of people who met together to worship that Sunday were ninety-three souls, children included.

Seven of the current students stayed behind to worship with the new church before returning to campus.

God blessed the students’ work at Efia-Kuma Church of Christ with two baptisms. But many have had the opportunity to hear the gospel. 

Thank you.


Posted on May 12, 2024 .

Graduation in Accra, Ghana

 Bear Valley Bible Institute, Accra  

End of April 2024 Operating Report

We give thanks to the Lord for His guidance and blessings throughout April 2024. It has been a month filled with growth, learning, and spiritual outreach. Below are the highlights of our activities for the month.

Academic Activities

April marked the beginning of a new quarter for our diploma class. Esteemed Bro Amoo Gyima led the students through enriching courses such as “The Life of Christ” and “Christian Evidences,” while “Scheme of Redemption” by Kojo, “Homiletics 1” by Shadrach Oppong, “Old Testament II and Godhead” by E. O. Larbi, and other subjects were also part of the curriculum. The dedication of both students and faculty has been commendable, ensuring a robust and spiritually enriching academic environment.

Gospel Campaign

Our commitment to spreading the Word took the form of a church planting campaign that spanned two weeks, with activities conducted day and night. Although we did not witness any baptisms this month, we were blessed with the presence of three visiting prospects and the initiation of three new members. We remain hopeful that the seeds planted will bear fruit in God’s perfect timing.

Leadership Seminar

The ongoing weekly leadership seminar at Akotoakrom, spearheaded by Bro E.O Larbi and Bro Sasu Ntim, has proven effective and transformative. The seminar has been instrumental in equipping our leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to shepherd the flock and spread the gospel more effectively.

Working and Education on BV Library

Sammy has been moving around helping to resolve the network connection of the library, fixing errors, and educating its use to instructors and students. This month, he visited Koforidua and Accra East to help fix connection challenges. There was a peculiar error i.e. javascript error after connecting the laptop or phone. He is searching for how to resolve this to keep other students in touch and enjoy its use.

There were common questions students normally asked, “Can it be accessed everywhere I go,” and he answered, “It is a local area network.” Only when you are within the radius of the Wi-Fi yet, the school is working on upgrading it to be used worldwide.

Instructors and students love using it because it contains many books you can access.

Graduation and Matriculation Ceremonies

April 20th, 2024, was a historic day for our institution as we celebrated the 6th Graduation and 7th Matriculation ceremony for our Diploma class, alongside the 1st Graduation ceremony for our Degree class, which saw 12 students proudly receiving their degrees. The 2nd Matriculation ceremony was also held on this day. The events were not only successful but also memorable, marked by joyous celebrations and a spirit of camaraderie. As is our tradition, the ceremonies included a fundraising event, which received generous support from the churches. The funds raised will be instrumental in furthering our mission and supporting our students.

We are immensely grateful for the unwavering support of our partners, alumni, and friends of the college. Your prayers and contributions have been the cornerstone of our success. May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly.

Radio Programme

A new contract has been signed with Top Radio (TOP MEDIA GROUP). We still appeal to you to help by paying the full contract price for us to enable us to reach as many listeners as possible. We were able to reach as many as about Fifteen (15) to Twenty (twenty) people a week. We visited two homes a week to teach and instruct.

We thank our Lord God for these activities. We pray that He gives us strength all the time to work more.

Report by E.O. Larbi, Director

Posted on May 10, 2024 .

All around education in Accra, Ghana


End of March Operating Report, 2024

Glory be to God for His mercies throughout the month’s activities. We did not encounter any health challenges. This month marks the end of first quarter activities.

Class Room Activities

During this month, the students were taught a short course on personal Evangelism 1. This was taught by Emmanuel Gyasi-Quansah for a week. Also, all assignments and research papers were done and submitted to instructors. Our instructors did well to accomplish all lessons and examinations.

Number of Students

Ten (10) men have been admitted to the diploma program. Admission is ongoing as we visit congregations to find faithful men with the desire to further their education in Biblical studies.

New School Building Project

We are thankful to God for Mt. Home Church and Brother Steven for raising funds to finish the ground floor. The work is ongoing. Currently, the contractor is fixing the conduit, windows, and other fixtures.

Evangelism Campaign

We thank God for this work during the week's activities. The students and campaign team (alumni) together carried out this work. With effective fasting and prayers, the message was delivered. During the campaign, we baptized four (4) souls and restored three (3) members. We also had a couple who helped us to accomplish the work. During the public preaching, the following topics were treated:

18th - Sin and Its Consequences, Repentance and Baptism) - Evans Awuku

19th - Repentance and Baptism - John Acquah

20th - The Church - Br Shadrach Oppong

21st - Dispensation of the Bible - Arhin Joas

22nd - Worship - Ebenezer Amoasi

23rd - Heaven - Silas Adjei

A large audience from the adjoining villages participated and many asked questions and we helped to understand. On Sunday, we had our first fellowship with them and broke bread. Attendance was Seven (7) new Christians, Five (5) non-Christians, and seven (7) members of the evangelical team. The total attendance was Nineteen (19).


On March 4, Sammy and the students visited Blackman Fish farm to study animal husbandry to start ours when we move to our new building. There were different kinds of farms. These include fish, crocodiles, pigs, sheep, bees etc. He took us through the farm and educated us on its establishment.

Bachelor's degree class

This class is ongoing. Currently, the second batch is in the section. They had their first class in Greek with Samuel Papa-Woode as their instructor. The class was very interesting as he exercised patience in teaching them. Ten (10) students were present for the course.

Workshop: BVBI Directors

It was a great day as we organized a workshop for the directors of the Extension Schools on our new project: Digital Library, and coming together as Bear Valley Bible Institute Family. The directors present were Joshua - Takoradi, Daniel - Cape Coast, Emmanuel - Kasoa Ashtown, Amoo-Gyimah - Kasoa Papaase, Peter - Accra East, E.O Larbi-Accra Doboro, Daniel - Sunyani, Adjei Mensah - Tamale, Alex - Kumasi, Larbi Young - Koforidua; Steven and Karen, Kojo, Sammy, and Accra school staff.

These men were present during the course on how to install the Server and the WiFi device and connect to external devices. Steven took them through the class. Every director was allowed to practice installation and how to use the digital library. Steven and Kojo enlightened us on the aim of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Family and the way forward.

We also agreed to organize a yearly seminar for all Bear Valley Bible Institute Students on the true doctrine of Christ and His church. A committee was formed to organize this year’s seminar. Members of the committee include Joshua, Sammy, Gyasi-Quansah, and Alex. Currently, the committee is working out to have its first seminar in 2025.

The workshop was successful as all left with happiness.

Leadership Class For Akotoakrom Church

Having planted the Akotoakrom church, we had the opportunity to encourage the men to give diligent attention to the doctrine and church works. We scheduled leadership training, which was dated every Saturday to educate them on the way of Christ. On our first meeting, Sammy and E.O. Larbi met at one of the public school’s rooms and E.O. Larbi taught them the art of worship. They were assigned prayer and exhortation at our next meeting to practice what was taught to them. Many questions were asked and were taught to be faithful to Christ.


We are grateful to God for the wonderful work done this month. We are hoping to do more in April. We implore you to keep praying with us as we remember our new brethren at Akotuakrom for the love of God.

Peace and mercies be with us all.

Report By E. O. Larbi

Posted on April 9, 2024 .

Strong evangelism in Accra East

Bear Valley Bible Institute International, Accra East

First Quarter Reports- 2024

Courses Taken

The first quarter was started on the 05th, the first Friday in January 2024. The quarter ended on last Saturday in March which was on 30, 2024. Within this quarter the school was able to complete three courses, and these are as follows:

·        The book of 1,2 & 3 John

·        The book of James

·        The book of Galatians

 House-to-House Evangelism 

The house-to-house evangelism went on in three communities. These were Gomoa Asebu, Santor, and Awutu Breku Twiime. There are congregations in those communities. The students were sent to those congregations on rotational bases, two or one student on every Sunday. With these, three baptisms were recorded all took place at Awutu Breku, Twiime.

However, the first major evangelism campaign of the school took place at Gomoa Asebu on 29th-31st March, 2024.   We also took that opportunity to visit the backsliders and encouraged them to come to church. The students who were able to take part were eight (8). We also had few members at Gomoa Asebu church who also joined us. The rest of the students who couldn’t make it to Gomoa Asebu will go and do follow up on next week. No baptism was recorded. But good news is that one of our prospects promised to baptize next week on 07th April 2024. He even came to church and worshipped with us on the Sunday.  Our campaign led to the increase in the church attendance as many of the backsliders also came to church.    

Report on Awutu Breku Twiime, church 

Awutu Breku Twimee church of Christ is the product of Bear Valley church planting program.  It was planted last year September 24, 2023 by Accra East. By the end of first quarter, 2024 the church has recorded three baptisms. The average attendance is twenty-five (25). Accra East students have been going there on rotational bases on every Sunday. Sometimes two and sometimes one student. The students also did a free will contribution and were able to buy eight (8) galvanize pipes to put up a temporary structure on a plot of land offered to them by one of their members.

This year 2024 church planting program 

This year church planting will take place at Achanisa-Abobiri in the Eastern Region. It is a small village, a cocoa community. The campaign and inauguration of the church will take place on 26th -28th April, 2024. During our feasibility studies we saw that the community has only five denominational churches, this were, The Church of Pentecost, Bethel Church, Calvary church, Presbyterian Church and Divine Healing church. They are Akan speaking community.   One of the students, Akwasi Mamah who is the resident in that community will manage the church after the inauguration.

The full program will be forwarded to the Administrator and the Coordinator, Doboro-Accra for their attention.

Item received 

New Lap top(s), and the Internet Router for research works were given to Accra East campus. I acknowledged receipt of the machines and expressed my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to the management of Bear Valley, Local and International.   

Posted on April 9, 2024 .

Digital library enhancing education in Kasoa, Ghana



The grace of God through Jesus Christ has once again found favor with us – Bear Valley Bible Institute family in the entire world. As a result of this, the period has come for Papaasi School in the Central Region of Ghana to review her work for the first period of the year 2024.

I.            SCHOOL BODY

Last year (2023) April, six of our students did graduate without certificates because they were yet to complete the required courses. It will interest you to note that they had completed the rest of the courses and that this year, precisely in April they would be awarded their diploma.

Bear Valley (Papaasi) can boast of continuing students of six. Since the reopened of the school in January, six more students were enrolled. The students population now stands at twelve (12).


Just last month, Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah received a Digital Library Equipment (comprise, a router and a server) on behalf the school from Brother Stephen Ashcraft. This equipment had more than ten thousand articles and other reading materials. This has enhanced teaching and learning. Reading and other research works had been made easier for students.

Pictures enclosed indicating students’ busy working on the digital library in class.


On the school drawing board were activities to be organized as from 29th to 31st March at the newly planted church at Mankomeda. As activities were made up of: Tracts and Pamphlets Distributions & House to House Evangelism. The program would be ran up with Worship and “food fellowship.”  

As at the time of writing this report, with mixed feelings, the school could not raise enough money for the said program.

On behalf of the preacher at our newly planted church, I wish plead with our readers to come to the aid of him. The preacher Daniel K. Nkrumah is a married man with four children.


Management, teaching staff and students has come into an agreement that there will not be church planting this year. The reasons being that, we would like to focus on the growth of the newly Mankomeda. Besides, our preacher is not well-cater for monetary.

Furthermore, the church is worshiping a school which belongs to the public. We need to buy a plot of land to put up a meeting place. As such we are asking our readers to come to our aid in both cash and in kind.  

Compiled by Emmanuel Yaw Amoo-Gyimah

(School Director)

Posted on April 9, 2024 .

Cooperation is key in Koforidua, Ghana


First Quarter 2024


Once again we need to be grateful to our Creator for taking care of us through 2023. May He continue to bless us as we strive to serve Him better in His Kingdom.


Nine of our students are graduating coming April 20, 2024 leaving ten continuing students including one new student, Emmanuel Coffie.


We have had three courses taught: Denominational Doctrine and Godhead was handled by Paul Larbi Young and Hermeneutics 1 was taught by Emmanuel Yaw Amoo-Gyimah.


Students from the local congregation have continued to be sent to work with some smaller congregation that we have started to teach and preach.

Students went and helped their colleague who has been engaged by a congregation nearly in a public preaching. Speakers for the programme were students on Sunday, all the appointments were handled by the students.

New leaders have been selected to lead the continuing students with Ebenezer Agyiri as their prefect.


We are grateful for the router and the server sent for the school to use. We will put these materials to good use.


We will continue to do our best to campaign for new students to keep the school active.


We pray the good Lord will continue to bless our supporters and the school as a whole so that through our effort many will be brought into the knowledge of our saviour Jesus Christ for salvation.


Reported by Gyan-Mante

Posted on April 9, 2024 .

New church plant thriving in Ash Town, Ghana


First Quarter Report, 2024


We thank God for ushering us into the New Year 2024. May His name be praised forever and ever. Below are happenings in the first quarter 2024 of Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ash town, Kasoa, Ghana.


The school admitted Sister Evelyn Owusu, a University graduate who showed interest in studying the Bible with us during this quarter, making our number add up to 14 students.


Three courses were taught during this quarter. The book of Galatians, Pastoral Epistles and World Religion were all handled by Emmanuel Larbi. Fourteen students took part in these courses.


Students who preach for local congregations taught and exhort brethren during this quarter. Brother Michael Oberkoh Teye was very instrumental during this quarter. He assisted Rock City congregation in Kasoa in Sunday Bible Studies and public preaching. Nyanyano Church also invited him to give a health talk during this period. The rest of the students also helped their respective Congregations in Teachings and exhortations.

The Director visited the congregation for the first time after its establishment to see the progress of the church on 24th January, 2024. Baptized members in attendance on that day was 48 and the children were 27 in number. I was glad to see three students leading the congregation. Sister Charity Boadu Quansah who is also a current student, has handled the children's class since the church started.

After service, I met with the leadership to discuss my observations with them and gave out suggestions on how things can be improved.

In March, I visited them again to see whether the suggestions I gave them have been implemented. There has been improvement since the last time I visited them.


On the 3rd February, 2024, students embarked on follow up at Adom Estate community using the prospect forms they had filled during September, 2023 Campaign.


We had three (3) baptisms as a result of students' efforts.


We have received a digital library from Bear Valley, USA, which will help us in our program of study. Students have been introduced to the library and have started using it. We are grateful to the School for giving us this library.


Samuel Owusu Akoto is our student personality for this quarter. He is 35 years of age.15thMay, 2004 was when he got baptized. Samuel is married to sister Doris Aziegah who is also a member of the Lord’s church with two children. He is a Janitor for a Savings and Loans institution in Kasoa. He is a Youth leader at Opaeikuma church in Kasoa. He helps the church in teachings and exhortations. He is industrious. Sam says since joining Bear Valley School he has got much knowledge in sermon preparation and it has also challenged him to study more.


We are very much grateful to the Leadership of Bear Valley Bible Institute, USA and the Brotherhood for supporting the school in all aspects. May the good Lord richly you all and replenish whatever you have lost.

Reported by Larbi.

Posted on April 9, 2024 .

Church plant plans in Ghana




Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. The following were our activities for the first quarter of 2024.

Classroom Activities

There were three courses offered this quarter; Homiletics 2 and Hermeneutics 2 both taught by Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah and Galatians, taught by Wisdom Yirenkyi.

Evangelism and Church Planting

Preparations are still ongoing to ensure that our campus plants a church at Akotoshie in Accra this year God willing.

Impact on Congregations

Our students continue to teach and preach in their local congregations and make a massive impact. What we hear of our current students is nothing but praise. This certainly is due to the sound teaching our students receive at the feet of our instructors. Long may this continue.

Student Profile

Brother Shadrack Ojun is the student we are focusing on for this quarter. He is one of the leaders of the student group at Nsawam. He attends the Nsawam Road church of Christ where he serves as a new converts’ class teacher. He also works for the World Bible School. He is very promising and we are glad to have him with us.  


We are grateful for Bear Valley’s assistance during this quarter. We pray God’s blessings in this regard. And brethren, please continue to pray for us.

Kind regards,

N.Y. Aidoo

Posted on April 9, 2024 .