Classes resume in Accra, Ghana


May the peace of Lord be with you!

On behalf of the school Director, entire teaching staff and other workers at the Southern Institute of Biblical Studies I salute you.

We appreciate and pray always for you for your effort in support for the betterment of the school. May all that you have lost for the sake of the school be replaced in the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


School resumed and classes began on 9th October, 2017 at 8:00am.  All students were present in their numbers except one brother Senyor Dowu Emmanuel, who, unfortunately couldn’tmade up for class as a result of his son who was seriously ill and had been admitted at the hospital. All instructors and other workers were present.


The rented building that is housing the school is currently under renovation; construction of fence wall, tilling and painting. The master’s bathroom has been fixed, the WC and tap are in good condition.


As part of the school’s quarterly programme, we with one accord went to New Ningo, Accra to carry out a 6 day evangelism activities. The students of the SIBS together with the staff, past students, and some other preachers from various places were present and we all participated in the field work propagating the gospel. 

With the power of the message and the hands of God, we were able to win eight (8) souls of which six (6) were men and two (2) women, two were restored.


Alex Osei is one of the first batch of students who graduated in 2016. He after graduation first ministered as a preacher at Bori Church in northern Ghana and currently preaching with the Dobro church of Christ which is meeting in the facility of the Southern Institute of Biblical Studies. He is yet to marry.

According to Alex, the school has helped him so much, according to him is enlightened in the Word of God, and able to teach and preach more perfectly than before. 


Our second batch of students of the regular department of 12 ends their two-year of studies in December, 2017. Their graduation will come on next year. We have had a two-time interview of students to commence the new School Academic Year in January, 2017. We will need to have another interview by December. So far we have interviewed 12 and have 6 other completed forms submitted.


We now have 30 students in the part time department. They attend school on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. This section is non-residence, however, some of them spend the Friday night in the school; whereas the Regular is two years, this is four years.

Please continue to pray with us, God bless you.

Posted on October 16, 2017 .