Graduation upcoming in Tamale


                                                   SEPTEMBER 2017 REPORT.

Back To School:

By God’s grace we are successfully resumed to school and all the students are reported in their numbers accordingly. All the instructors are also responding to their time scheduled and everything is going on well.

As usual any time we are on break we continue with the campaign for more students to be enrolled into the school and God being so good we had another new student this time who has increased the number from 14 to 15 students.

Administrative Activities:

Administratively, everything that supposed to be done to keep the school on its feet is ongoing and it is our prayers that the good Lord will give us the strength to be able to do more than we are doing now.

We are also putting everything in place preparing for the upcoming of November 18th graduation ceremony. The invitation letters are written, some are sent and others will soon be sent to the local congregations inviting them all to come to cheer up the occasion.

The Pajero is undergoing maintenance and we hope to have it soon to do the rounds. The school land papers are almost ready for the registration and very soon we will finish with it. Tamale High Court has endorsed it and put the seal and it is now genuine and currently submitted to lands commission for the registration.

We are making every effort to properly run the school to the glory of God. We keep on reminding you to put us in daily prayers list.

Your brother,

Alex Jabado

Posted on October 12, 2017 .