New School Starts in Fiji


A Bear Valley Bible Institute - International Extension

The Bible Institute at Raiwaqa is off to a good start.  Jason Pierce and his oldest son Austin left for Fiji on August 29, 2016.  Jason began teaching the first class of the newest BVBI-I extension school in Fiji on Monday, September 5.  They had seven students to show up for the first day of class.  At the end of the first week, they have had perfect attendance.  Several of these students are interested in the full time program that is scheduled to begin on February 20, 2017.   Jason’s first class is entitled “More than a Shadow” and is a study of the New Testament book of Hebrews.   

Lord willing, Rocco and Debbie Pierce will be leaving for Fiji on September 15, 2016.  Rocco will teach a second short course on the Sermon on the Mount.  It will go for one week, six hours a day.  The school will then host two teachers, Tony Duncan, from Tennessee, and Lance Mosher, from New Zealand.  They will teach short courses on Proverbs through Song of Solomon and the New Testament church respectively. These classes will be taught October 3 to 14.   

Jason will return to the U.S. on September 20, to continue fund-raising.  He will teach two classes from the U.S. via Skpe from October 17 to November 18.  The classes he will teach are Timothy and Titus, and Christian Ethics.  Rocco will teach classes on the Christian home and English Composition I on the ground in Fiji.  

The school has open enrolment for this fall term to introduce the school to Fiji brethren.  This fall term will be used to help recruit the first class that will start the two year program in February 2017.  As an incentive, those who pass these classes with a B or above, will not have to repeat them during the upcoming school terms.  These fall classes are a sampling from across the board of the two year program to begin in the spring.  

In Christ,

Rocco Pierce

Posted on September 12, 2016 .