They're on the ball in Nigeria!

Beloved in Christ Jesus,

Greetings from your fellow soldiers of Christ in Nigeria. Our first gospel campaign in this 2016/2017 session resulted into two conversions on Saturday evening. We evangelised Butubutu, Panu, and Bamisinde villages on Saturday, September 3 under the leadership of our campus minister, Bro. Abraham.

FIRST SEMESTER, 2016/2017: Bro.Abiola Joseph is teaching on Fundamental of the faith and Church Problems; Bro.Kayode Solomon Eniafe on Evangelism -1,OT & NT Survey,OT Wisdom-1 and 2 Corinthians; Bro.Abraham Idu Yeje on The Pentateuch and Scheme of Redemption; Bro.Isaac Olaniyan on Life of Christ -1 and Biblical Eschatological while I,Bro.Makinde is teaching on NT Church-1,1&2 Thessalonians, Ministerial Counseling, and Teach with Success.

CAMPUS CHURCH AND OTHERS: Bro. Obey Rimamskwe led in songs on September 4 and Bro. Anana Abasiama Effiong taught on Preparing for God's work while Bro.Nnamdi Blessing admonished the campus church from 1Corinthians 15:12-19. Attendance was 35 with total contribution of N800.

At Asejire congregation, Osun state, Bro.Johnson Godwin taught on Godly living while Bro.Godwin Ofem led in songs at Onikokoro / Gbongudu congregation ,Ibadan and Bro.Emmanuel Okpachui and Bro.Destiny Elijah taught the men & women Bible Class respectively on our responsibilities to one another. We are 55 in attendance with total collection of N3,015=.

MORE STUDENTS FOR ADVANCE DIPLOMA/ BVBI ADVANCE CERTIFICATE: Two of our year 2009 graduates named Bro.Eze Mbaraoye and Agbefa Samson and a graduate of WNCC & SBS (Bro.Lucky Onyah)and NCBC (Bro.Samuel Effiong) now admitted as part of our supplementary in our year two program .

In conclusion ,we thank you all for your partnership and cares. May The Lord continue to bless all our undertaking in Jesus Christ Name, amen.

Your fellow soldier of Christ ,

Makinde Ebens (Director of Studies)

For & On behalf of BVBIN SWSE, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria, West Africa.

Posted on September 10, 2016 .